Preliminary plots

Hypernuclei to light nuclei ratio at 3 GeV: link
Hypernuclei and light nuclei yields at 3 GeV: link supplementary
He4L lifetime (from Xiujun Li): link
H3L, H4L, He4L lifetimes: link
S3 vs sNN: link
S3 vs sNN (v2): link
S4 vs sNN: link
dN/dy at 3 GeV: link
dN/dy vs sNN: link
s3 vs pT at 3 GeV: link
s3 vs pT vs sNN: link
Mean pT at 3 GeV: link
H3L spectra at 19.6 GeV link
H3L spectra at 27 GeV link

Related presentations
H3L production at 27 GeV link
H3L production at 27 GeV link
H3L production at 19.6 GeV link

Slides for preliminary request link