d+Au ridge: Charge Identification -- MC after GEANT Global vs Primary Tracks Charge & Pt & Phi in FTPC, TPC

This page is documentary purpose.



For the comparison with real data drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/yili/dau-ridge-charge-identification-global-vs-primary-tracks-charge-p-ftpc-tpc



MC after GEANT from STAR simulation production.

Global and primary track Pt,Charge, φ and η  relationship within the same track for TPC, FTPC-Au, FTPC-d.


Data set:

Run3 MC data.

|Vz| < 50 cm
nHitsFit > 25 points for TPC, 5 points for FTPC
nHitsFit/nHitsPoss >= 51%
globa dca < 3 cm
|eta|<1 for TPC, 2.8<|eta|<3.8 for FTPC


1. Pt

Similar to real data.

2. Charge

1/5 FTPC change sign for MC, compared with half for real data.

3.  φ


For those tracks change sign from Positive for global tracks to Negative for primary tracks:

For those tracks change sign from Negative for global tracks to Positive for primary tracks:

None TPC tracks have charge sign change.

For FTPC, those change sign from pos. to neg. ,and neg. to pos. have opposite global φ - primary φ. While in real data, they have both negative and positive global φ - primary φ for both cases.

4. η