GPC Meeting (#266) J/psi @ pp 500 GeV


From AUC: 

Hi Zhangbu et al.,
Thank you for the chance to read this interesting and nice paper. Please find our comments for your consideration, below.
Jim for the ACU group
There are a few places, where a bit more detail might be appropriate. Please consider the following:
Pg. 4
- Line 78: Consider specifying or referencing the particular M.C. generator used
- Line 100: Consider clarifying the particular background, e.g. secondary decay vertices, pile-up, etc.
Pg. 5
- Line 5-6: Consider spelling out explicitly what you mean by "split tracks." STAR readers will know, but there may be others who are not as familiar with the jargon.
- Line 7: Consider clarifying what you mean by "match," e.g. we understand this to mean a geometric match but to within what level of precision?
Pg. 6
- Line 5-6: Consider including a bit more detail on how the vertex-finding efficiency is obtained from the data
Pg. 7 and 11
- In general, consider a bit more specificity on how the systematic uncertainties are estimated. For example, in several places, you use phrases such as "by comparing." Do you take the difference between the distributions? Half the difference? Consider telling the reader directly what you do in these instances.
Pg. 7
- Line 5: This appears to be the first and only time you reference "the in-bunch pile-up effect." Consider either specifying where this effect shows up, earlier in the text, or inserting a pointer here to the relevant sections of the previous text. We think something to tie this bullet together with your previous descriptions would help the non-STAR reader.
A few trivial things related to grammar/style
Pg. 3
- Line 49: "...from both, the CS state..." --> "...from both the CS state..."
Pg. 8
-Line 2: Consider merging this sentence with the following paragraph.
Pg. 9
- Eq. 5 and Line 45: We notice that you changed the font style for "A" denoting detector acceptance. Consider using the same font style for these.

From Creighton: 

Dear Zhangbu and Helen,
As requested, the STAR group at Creighton has carefully read this paper, and we congratulate the authors on a very nice paper. Our combined comments and suggestions are below.
Questions /suggestions:
Suggest everywhere using proton+proton rather than proton-proton
Abstract: Last sentence is not supported in the text; it is not mentioned in any of the conclusions nor discussed in the text – either something should be added in the text or it should be removed.
Page 4, line 40: not clear how backlegs are oriented relative to BEMC
Page 5, line 32: the definition of "w_i^-1=A x Epsilon_reco" suggests that w_i is independent of i ?
Page 5, line 41: “kinematic acceptance”? acceptance should be for a detector?
Page 5, lines 46-52: This description of theta* and phi* might be clearer if a diagram was included
Page 5, line 63: remove “It is obvious that”; also. it looks like a difference exists above about 1 GeV, and this difference seems to be approximately constant – perhaps more explanation is needed
Page 8, lines 17-18: "...fiducial and total cross sections..." - use of “total” is confusing, as this is a differential cross section; perhaps "...fiducial and total differential cross sections..."? (this issue also appears elsewhere and in the tables)
Page 9, Table 1: Column headings are not easy to interpret – what is meant by “position”? if one column is fiducial and one is total, it would be good to explicitly label them this way
In all cases, the uncertainty due to luminosity is not included – why not? We suggest it should be
Page 11, Figure 11: The caption mentions a solid black line, but there does not seem to be one on the figures.
Page 11, line 57: when you say “follows the trend”, what does this mean? the pT dependence has the same shape as others? the overall cross section number? what is the "trend"? or, do you just want to say it is consistent with other measurements?
Page 12, Figure 12: caption says circles, but data is represented with stars; caption also mentions bars, but these cannot be seen; if they are too small, would be good to say so explicitly
Page 12, Figure 13: Why not use stars for the data? Suggest using a consistent symbol through all the plots; also, is there an equivalent plot for the muon channel that could be included?
Page 13, line 7: it sounds like other experiments have measured our feed-down corrections; maybe others have measured a similar percentage?
Page 13, line 9: explain how this adjustment is done?
Page 13, Figure 14: it would be nice to adjust the axis labels on the Ratio to Fit part so that 1 is explicitly labeled; also, the colors used change their meaning from a-d, would be better if "standardized".
We have also identified some minor wording issues/typos:
Page 3, line 11: at --> in
Page 3, line 49: or --> and
Page 4, line 3: “at high collisions energies of proton-proton at” --> “in proton+proton collisions with energies of”
Page 4, line 16: “the section” --> “sections” (but suggest it would be better to separate out what is in section III from section IV)
Page 4, line 18: same comments as for line 16
Page 4, line 26: "...measurements of the ionization energy loss..." --> "...measurements of its ionization energy loss..."Page 4, line 72: remove “with the”
Page 4, line 73: BBC --> BBCs
Page 5, line 4: “used TPC cluster” --> “TPC clusters used”
Page 5, lines 17-18: "...Gaussian plus second-order polynomial function." Suggest explicitly stating that the second-order polynomial represents background.
Page 5, line 30: remove "generated by the magnetic system" 
Page 5, lines 39-46: Suggest moving "There are 30...simulation study [2]" up to just after line 30. This will keep the magnetic stuff together.
Page 5, line 60: “Figure 2(a) and (b) show” --> “Figure 2 shows” (explain the two panels in the caption)
Page 5, line 62: "...on both sides of the STAR detector." This makes it sound like the VPD and BBC are not part of the STAR detector.
Page 5, line 66: it --> “the difference”
Page 6, line 1: remove “as shown in the following”
Page 6, line 10: specify where the plateau is reached
Page 6, line 14: “muon’s” --> “muon”
Page 7, Figure 4 caption: “in TPC” -->“in the TPC”
Page 7, Section D: suggest removing the “about” from each uncertainty description – if you are giving the uncertainty to the precision of 10.6%, for example, it does not seem like it merits an “about”; also, suggest listing these uncertainties from largest to smallest.
Page 7, line 40: how are the various errors combined?
Page 8, line 31: remove “by”
Page 9, line 2: “the BEMC trigger” --> “a BEMC trigger”
Page 9, line 3: add a comma after 290
Page 9, line 5: “to energy” --> “to the energy”
Figure 7: you need to describe the inset as well
Page 9. Line 13: “with another” --> “with either another”
Page 9, line 21: “from Drell-Yan” --> “from the Drell-Yan”
Page 9, line 40: remove “y” after rapidity
Page 11, Section B: similar comment as above – suggest removing “about” from the uncertainty descriptions, and suggest ordering from largest to smallest
Page 11, line 37: again total is used for a differential cross section 
Page 11, line 49: A total cross section has already been integrated-– usage of “total” is again confusing
Page 12, line 4: “they are consistent with each other” --> ”it is consistent with the data”
Page 13, line 3: remove “It is worthwhile to mention that”
Page 13, line 6: remove “up to”
Page 13, Figure 14 caption: “The shaded region around the data points denoted” --> “The shaded region around the data points denotes”
Page 13, line 11: Remove “Thus similar conclusions are drawn as from the previous results”
Page 13, lines 23 and 27: values for uncertainty in n are not the same in these two places
Page 13, line 40; suggest discussing fiducial cross section first, as you have done in other places
Page 14, line 6; redundant to give cross section values again
Page 14, line 14: reasonably  reasonable
Page 14, line 21: consistent with other results is only at high x_T, right? Suggest being specific about the range of consistency


From Rutgers: 

Dear Zhangbu & Helen,  
This paper has really beautiful data and it is really nice written. At Rutgers, we came up with the following suggestions for PAs to consider. 
Best Regards,
General comments:
- through 510 and 500 GeV are said.  Would it make more sense to have it as 500 and 510
- reduce white space around figures and equations and tables
- Why does this paper not include the e+e channel from the 2013 data from sqrt(s)=510 collisions?
- Some discussion of what contributes to the backgrounds in the invariant mass spectra for both channels would be beneficial. 
- Pile-up is discussed under the systematics discussion. But were there any event rejections to remove the pile-up applied? A sentence briefly describing would be beneficial. 
- probably the journal editors will be helpful later before publication but it would be good to go over the usage of  all "the"s in this draft.
Abstract: The Psi(2s) to J/Psi.... --> It is unclear what 4<pT^e+e <12 GeV pt of? Why not keep it as pT^J/Psi to be consistent? Do you really mean electron & positron pt here? 
Page 3 Line 7: Switch the order of "mainly" and "originates" and drop the plural of scatterings
Page 3, Line 10; "... will provide..." --> "provides"
Page 3 Line 13-14: Continue the sentence after approach, add a comma, lowercase "However"
Page 3, Line 20; "Precise measurements..." --> "Therefore, precise measurements..."
Page 3, Paragraph in Lines 30-68;
perhaps too much description of calculation methods. Simplify/shorten and leave the details to the references for those who are interested. 
page 3, line 44 - thick absorber -> thick absorber,
Page 3 Line 47: It may help to briefly explain what "feed-down" contribution we mean here. Also maybe break the block of text after the reference, that way the next block has a new topic, and there isn't one very large block of text taking up half the page.
Page 3, Line 57-59: Here we state that ICEM is good for polarization. But in line 18 of page 3 we stated that the models have a hard time describing both.  This is confusing as in Page 11, line 59, we state that we agree with ICEM model. Maybe a re-phrase of all these for the consistent description would be beneficial.  
Page 3 Line 74-75: Get rid of the "and"'s and replace with commas until the final "and." Will make reading easier with better flow
Page 3, Line 5-7; maybe something like;
"In hadronic collisions at energies reached at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider 6 (RHIC), J/psi are primarily produced via deep inelastic scattering by two gluons into  charm and anti-charm quarks, followed by hadronization into a cc-bar pair."
Page 3, Lines 76 - 84;
If it's not possible to distinguish prompt from non-prompt J/psi signal at RHIC, then perhaps omit discussion of prompt v. non-prompt and simply discuss the sources of J/psi production measured. At the very least; only mention that it can't be distinguished once (it's mentioned twice).
Page 3, Lines 88 - Page 4 Line 4;
Omit first sentence if the most specific it's going to get is a reference to measurements from the LHC. 
Page 4, Line 1: The reference [12] is for the studies before LHC. Are there no experimental studies from LHC that we can refer to? 
Page 4 Line 4: Perhaps set the precedent of "proton-proton" being used as p-p. "proton-proton" appears very often in the paper, it could help to use the abbreviation constantly instead as it flows easier when reading, but that may just be personal preference.
Page 4, line 6: will provide --> provides 
Page 4 Line 14: Change "the section II" to just "section II", does "then" really needed here? 
Page 4 Line 16: Change "in the section III and IV." to "in sections III and IV respectively."
Page 4 Line 18: Change "the section V and VI" to "sections V and VI"
Page 4 Line 18-20;
"There are 1154 +/- 54 J/psi candidates..." -- > "1154 +/- 54 final J/psi candidates are observed..."
page 4, line 21 - remove "an"
page 4, line 27 - "It covers full azimuthal angles" -> It covers the full azimuthal range
Page 4, Line 22 - 25;
Instead of defining BR after eqn 1; how about try 
"The differential cross section using the J/psi -> mu+ mu- branching ratio (BR) is given by. EQN1. Where N is the efficiency-corrected ..."
Page 4 Line 33: Drop "therefore" and replace "as" with "being"
Page 4 Line 36: Replace "or" with "and"
Page 4, line 40: drop space after "backglegs" and comma. 
Page 4 Line 45: End the sentence after "collisions." Get rid of the "and"
Page 4, Line 53; drop "the"? 
Page 4, Lines 56-60; Are the lambdas be equal to the values as they are given the polarizations?  Maybe include a definition for what lambda represents before describing what they're values are for different polarizations.
Page 4 Line 69: Replace "the" with "a"
Page 4, Line 77; "The Monte Carlo..." --> "A Monte Carlo..."
Page 4, Line 80; "... the full GEANT3 simulation of the STAR detector... into the events from real data" --> "a full GEANT3 STAR detector simulation... into real data events."
Page 4 Line 83-84: Change "procedure as used for the real data." to "procedure used for real data."
Page 4, Line 94; "The muon candidates..." --> "Muon candidates..."
Page 4 Line 94 - Page 5 line 6;
Better to break up into separate sentences to avoid usage of too many semi-columns.
Page 5 Line 5: Replace "not less than 0.52" to "> 0.52" or "greater than 0.52".
Page 5, Eqn 3;
Why is there seperate tracking/MTD/ID efficiency w/ superscripts 1 2? Is it referring to in-situ response and matching efficiencies seperately? Clarify.
Page 6, line 21 - remove this empty line
Figure 2: 0s in x-y axis label overlaps. Can you reduce two 0s into one 0 for the origin? 
RE Section III "J/psi -> mu+ mu-"
Change title of section, maybe "Measurement of J/psi -> mu+ mu- Signal"
page 8, line 19-22: maybe change wording
page 8, line 29-30: with a deposited transverse energy larger than -> with a transverse energy deposit larger than
Table 1: overlapping text especially for the superscripts. 
Figure 5: MTD response legend maybe should be MTD response and matching as described in the caption. 
Figure 5: It would be good to include the 11.2% from the caption on the plot 
Page 7, section D Uncertainties;
In lines 2-3, "the statistical uncertainty is baout 10.6-18.8% for different J/psi regions.", then in Lines 11-15, "the uncertainty in the number of J/psi candidates... contributes about 0.3-4.8% uncertainty depending on p_T" ... but isn't this contradicting lines 2-3 as wouldn't this be a statistical uncertainty? What is the differentiation of the nature of the uncertainty between the two? Perhaps the 10.6 - 18.8% on Line 2 needs it's own bullet point to clarify, and then just begin the section with "There are several systematic uncertainties..."
Page 8, Lines 8 - 10;
It would be better to let theorists decide on what makes their calculations easier to compare to data... better to re-phrase or drop. 
Page 8 Figure 6;
"B" on y-axis title should be "BR" for branching ratio as described in Formula 5. 
Section IV;
change section title in similar way to changing seciton III title.
Page 8 Line 17: Make "summaries" into "summarizes"
Page 9, Line 7, 8, 9,  11, 12, 14; Are "the"s really needed?
page 9, line 42: defined as -> defined as:
Figure 8: could use better fill option
page 10, line 12-13: empty lines
Figure 11: yellow can be switched to a more visible color. 
Figure 14: fill options look poor, consider alternatives
Page 9 Equation 5: Why is A*epsilon present in this expression but not in equation equation 1? Is this self evident or should it need some explanation?
Page 11 Line 5: Drop the word "All"
Page 11 Line 35: Drop the first "to"
Page 12, Fig 13: Caption" maybe add "their" before pT in the 1st sentence. 
Page 13 Line 2: Drop the word "it"
Page 13 Line 10: Add the word "a" before "green"
Page 13 Line 36: Make "result" plural
Page 13 Lines 38 - Page 14 Line 1;
reword, try, "Two different measurements of the inclusive J/psi production cross section have been presented. The first is a total cross section measurement, accessing the full J/psi decay phase space, depending highly on assumptions regarding polarization. The second is a fiducial cross section measurement utilizing only a restricted phase space as defined by detector acceptance, and is independent of the assumptions regarding polarization, resulting in a large systematic uncertainty at low p_T."
Page 14, Lines 1-4;
does "This" refer to the total cross section measurement, fiducial cross section measurement, or both? 
Page 14 Line 3: Make "test" plural
Page 14, Line 14;
"reasonably" --> "reasonable"
Page 14, Line 19;
"from SPS to the LHC" --> "from other collaborations"
Page 14, Lines 23 - 30; Is there a way to make the conclusion more exciting? Currently the way that it reads, conclusions and goals that should be self evident from the measurement's quality itself unless the data presented allows explicit differentiation between a model/calculation scheme... etc, 


From UPJS: 

Dear Zhangbu,
I have looked nice draft titled "Measurements of the transverse-momentum-dependent cross sections of J/psi production at mid-rapidity in proton-proton collisions at 510 and 500 GeV" quickly.
Some of my small comments are here:
p.4, line 46, Ref. [20] is here, but Ref. [19} is missed (it is on line 60, only);
p.11, line 71, Ref. [49] is here, but Ref [48] is missed (one can find it later on page 13, line 30);
p.13, lines 33-35„Measurements of the differential cross sections for the J/psi meson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 510 and 500 GeV at RHIC are measured ...“ → „Differential cross sections for the J/psi meson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 510 and 500 GeV at RHIC are measured ...“
Best regards,

From Fudan:

Fudan institution has reviewed the STAR paper titled : "Measurements of the
transverse-momentum-dependent cross sections of J/psi production at mid-rapidity
in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 510 and 500 GeV with the STAR detector"
This paper reports the measurement of p_{T}-differential cross section of J/Psi meson from dimuon and dielectron channels at sqrt{s} = 510 and 500 GeV, respectively. Different sources of the systematic errors have been studied in details and found to be well under control. Data were further compared to model calculations incorporating different physics mechanisms and observed to have reasonable agreement. This paper is overall nicely written, below we enlist some minor comments.
Abstract: differential production cross section of "inclusive" J/Psi meson. Since
feed down corrections are not done, "inclusive" should be added.
Page 5, L 30 : The weight factor w_{i} seems to have an explicit pt dependence, it
may be mentioned in the text or the notation may revised to w_{i}{p_{T}).
Page 5, L 73 : “in-situ” word may be replaced with intrinsic or original.
Page 5, L 63-68: It says there is significant difference in the decay kinematic acceptance at p_{T}~ 2 GeV/c and gradually decreases at high p_{T}. It is not clear whether difference here means difference
between different polarization assumptions and un-polarized case? As can be seen from Fig.2, the black solid line and red dashed line diverges towards high-p_{T}, so the statement made may not be true in general, please clarify.
Page 6, Formula 3: Meaning(s) of the notation in the superscript that is 1,2 is not mentioned in text. It may not be obvious to non-experts. Also, if the total efficiency is equivalent e_{reco} this is should
be made uniform in the text and figure. In figure, legend of the blue solid triangle may be replaced with e_{reco} or or e_{reco} may be changed to e_{total}.
Page 6, L 22: The signal is determined by fitting with different fit functions. Why the like-sign (LS) background is not directly subtracted ? Instead of fitting, a default choice could have been LS background subtraction and bin-counting to calculate the signal number !
Even for fitting what are the default fit ranges for the signal and background. Does systematic due to fitting include contributions from the variations in the fit range?
Page 7 Fig.4 caption: m_{\mu \mu} to M_{\mu \mu}
Page 8, L 16-18: It is not clear how the polarization envelope was exactly
Some general comments/questions.
1.Why two different channels were measured at two different energies? 2. How about comparing the pt-integrated cross section to the world data graphically !


  - Paper draft: STAR_PP500_JPSI_v6.pdf

Comments from Saskia: 

I found some comments from previous meetings that were not yet implemented.

Left-over comments from previous meetings:

5. We suggest more discussion of the significance of the parameter in xT scaling.  Also, Xin suggested a fit to the J/psi data to extract the parameter from these data.

Figure 9 – It is still difficult to distinguish the data points in the black/white version of the paper.  We suggest make symbol sizes bigger (including in the legend), use some open symbols, remove error bars from symbols in the legend, separate out the trigger efficiency into a separate panel, and zoom in on the y-axis for the panel containing the remaining efficiencies.

For the xT scaling, I suggest the following edits (starting on page 11).

“The scaling behavior of particle production with xT = 2pT/root(s) is characteristic for production through fragmentation due to hard scatterings. The xT scaling (E d 3σ dp3 = g(xT )/sn/2 ) has been tested for pions, proton and J/ψ for various collision energies [is 26 the ref where this was first tested?], where n is a free parameter which can be interpreted as the number of active partons involved in hadron production. Figure 15 shows the xT dependence of protons, pions, and J/ψ.  The J/ψ measured in 510 and 500 GeV proton-proton collisions has been fit to extract the parameter n, with n=5.x+-0.x.  This value is consistent with n=5.6+-0.x from the previous STAR measurement [26], as well as other previous measurements measurements [27, 33–41] at high-pT .  The broken scaling at low-pT is due to the onset of soft processes [26]. “

(Note. It’s not broken at low xT, but low pT!)

In addition, I focus on the conclusions and introduction below.


Page 11, line 44 – Remove “On the other hand”
-> “The ICEM calculation is also consistent….”

Page 12 – 
Perhaps replace the last sentence with the following.

“Since the J/psi production mechanism is not yet fully understood, it is important to continue confronting the models that incorporate the most current understanding with new data.  The results presented in this paper, together with cross-section measurements at other energies and measurements of the polarization, contribute to the goal of better understanding the production of heavy quarkonium.”


Can you add a reference for the sentence on lines 10-13?

We discussed the occurrence of the CSM in the introduction, even though we don’t compare our data to this model.  Perhaps the discussion can be reformulated a little.  One point is that the evolution of the CSM calculations to better fit collider-energy data (such as CDF) led to the conclusion that higher-order alpha_s processes contribute.  With higher orders included it could better describe the overall cross sections; however, it was still deemed as incomplete when confronted with CDF data that could separate out the feed-down contributions to the J/psi cross sections.  Perhaps, including a little bit of historical perspective in the introduction better makes the point of the importance of confronting models with data, and how our understanding of the production of heavy quarkonium has changed.


New paper draft (v5): STAR_PP500_JPSI_v5.pdf
The replies for the comments which we didn't include are here:  Reply_Xin_comments_20190115.pdf

Xin's comments: 

1) On the results reported in Table 1 and 2.
        - I still think it is better to report the values+errors for fiducial cross sections and total cross sections separately, and it will be clean. In the current way, and no explanation in the figure caption, one doesn't know which of these uncertainties are associated to which numbers. In the PLB paper you refer to, there is no such complication.
       - I am OK with reporting the relative errors. But the number of significant digits to keep for central values need to be consistent with that in your uncertainty. The best is probably to follow the same rounding algorithm that PDG book has been using (see the explanation in PDG review book). I don't quite agree with the way the paper you refer to. For instance, table 1, for |y|<1.2 values, the first pT bin, they keep 3 significant digits for the central value, while for the last two pT bins, there are only two and even one significant digits. You can argue for the last pT bin, the uncertainty is larger, but the second last pT bin the uncertainty is similar to other pT bins. In my view, the first pT bin, the central value should be should be rounded to 39 (instead of 39.4) or 3.9 x 10^1 as the uncertainty typically should be round to 5 (39*0.17).
       - I would then prefer reporting absolute errors as it is much easier to determine how many significant digits you need to keep for your central values. It also clearly lists the uncertainties associated with both cross section values. For instance, in table 1, first row, I would recommend to write as (I took the original numbers from previous version with more significant digits and round them)
      fid. column:  (9.3 +/- 1.6 +/- 1.5) x 10^2                  total column:   (5.4 +/- 0.9 +/- 0.9 +11.5 - 1.3) x 10^3
          and in figure caption, please explain the meaning of each uncertainty, particularly the last one for total cross section due to polarization envelope. If you insist on reporting relative uncertainties, the number of significant digits you keep for the central values should be the same. And please also explain clearly in the figure caption which cross section values these are associate with.
       - for pT position, I see the number of digits in the new version are a bit too short. Our momentum resolution is about a couple of percent, we should keep two significant digits as you did in previous version for table 1.
       - for pT position in table 2, I don't see an answer to my previous question on the issue of fluctuating values around the central value. I think there is an issue in your calculation if the pT position is higher than the center value of that pT bin since at this pT region, the spectrum should be all falling as a function of pT.

>> " fid. column:  (9.3 +/- 1.6 +/- 1.5) x 10^2                total column:   (5.4 +/- 0.9 +/- 0.9 +11.5 - 1.3) x 10^3"  looks a good idea. I will let Te-Chuan and Qian to generate new tables and I will check the significant digits.


2) I didn't see a direct answer to my question on the systematic uncertainty of psi(2S)/jpsi ratio due to trigger efficiency though in the current manuscript, you said this is included. And the value listed in the conclusion section shows the value is changed from 0.002 to 0.003. Could you please elaborate a bit on this and please also add this part to the technical note?
>> We added a short description in page 9 line 38-39 for the trigger efficiency uncertainty (5.3%). That's why the final result changed from 0.002 to 0.003. Qian will add this in the analysis note, too.

3) I see you added a couple of sentences for the xT scaling, but I feel this is still a bit weak. You mentioned that you have the fit results with the new data points, can you show us the fit result? Why can we include the new fit result? presumably with the new data points should have a better constraint on the parameter. And on the physics, how does the value n=5.6 tell us about the physics regarding J/psi production? We need to add some discussion to facilitate the physics message.
>> We didn't perform the fit in this paper, we just used the number from the previous measurement, please see page 11 Line 11-13 "..., where the value of n(= 5.6) is set to be the one from the previous STAR measurement [26]." We will try to add some discussion in the end of this part. 
4) On the question to page 4 about the background shape, my issue was that I don't see the causal relation between the two parts of the sentence. Practically how well the like-sign works will depend on your muon track purity, tracking efficiency asymmetry between positive and negative charge signs etc. So I would suggest to remove the first part starting with since and just state that the background shape can be well described by the same-sign muon track pairs. (suggest to change track->muon and also remove "in the TPC"). 
     Furthermore, considering this statement, in Fig 2 and/or Fig. 4, can we add also the same-sign pair distribution in the plots?
>> Okay, done!  The background in Figure 4 is already the same-sign muon track pairs. 



Xin's comments: 
Please find my comments on the paper manuscript (dated Jan. 15, 2019)


==> Page 1 <==

Title: move “at mid rapidity” before “in proton-proton collisions”.



- Somewhere better to clarify “inclusive” J/psi mesons which contain prompt and non-prompt contributions.

  • The last sentence may be improved a bit with more information. I need to think a bit and may come up a suggestion later. 


  • line 10, spell out RHIC as it firstly appears, or change to “high energies”.
  • line 15, add references after “mechanism”
  • line 23, “its suppressed production”, suggest to change to “the modification to its production”. The production may not just suppressed in HIC.
  • line 25, add references at the end of the sentence.
  • line 29-31, “can be calculated analytically using the well-understood perturbative approach.” This reads too strong. First is this with regard to the partonic gg->ccbar cross section, or p+p->ccbar cross section? The later one involves PDFs which is non-perturbative. Even for partonic cross section, the calculation should have also higher order corrections, which I am not sure we can say “well-understood”. And I would suggest to remove analytically. I would suggest to simplify it as “… can be calculated using the perturbative approach.”
  • line 33, “… is far from unambiguous” reads too negative. Suggest to rephrase as “.. remains a challenge.”
  • line 59, “x” in italic, and need to define “x”.
  • line 69-71, remove “low pT region” and “high pT region” in parentheses. pT regions are clear enough with the listed values. (I have other suggestions to the later section names associated with these words).
  • line 71-end, Suggest to add a sentence about the feed down contribution from bottom feeddown.


==> Page 2 <==

- line 9-13, as I described during the meeting, the sentence doesn’t give much reasoning why like that, and we don’t come back to in the result and discussion section. I would suggest to either drop the sentence or rephrase to some general statement.

  • line 16-17, I don’t quite understand the sentence. Do you mean “… help constraint the feed-down contribution from excited charmonium states.”
  • line 26-27, “one of the most powerful … detectors …”. I think in scientific papers, we don’t need such words. The referee is certainly from another large experiment and may feel a bit over exaggerating about this. In addition, honestly, I would feel STAR is powerful in measuring heavy-ion collisions while there are limitations in p+p collisions.
  • line 29-32, the place of describing VPD detector is a bit strange here. I suggest to move this to somewhere later in the paragraph.
  • line 38, “and charge (q)”. We can measure charge sign, but not sure if we can distinguish charge numbers. momentum in some sense is a distinguishable variable to separate different charge signs, so maybe just drop it.
  • line 69, I would suggest to just use “J/psi->mumu” instead of “Low transverse momentum region”
  • line 74-77, I would suggest to expand this part about the datasets, trigger and event selection. Please separate out the trigger part first, and I believe there are more in the trigger definition rather than just two MTD hits requirements (e.g. VPD coincidence etc.) Please also add a couple of sentence describing the event level selection (e.g. vertex selection etc.)
  • line 89-91, please add some explanation why need the smearing.
  • line 95, please add reasoning for pT>1.3 GeV/c.


==> Page 3 <==

  • line 13-15, if the MC was tuned to match the data, then this statement is not so particularly necessary.
  • line 15, better to add some description on how the fit was performed.
  • line 15, the number and error here are not consistent with those shown in the figure.
  • Fig. 1, you may reduce the axis label size slightly, enlarge the X-axis title size a bit, and enlarge the size of the text inside the figure. And maybe reorganize the location of the legend a bit.
  • Fig. 1 caption, “The mu+mu- invariant mass spectrum in p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 500 GeV. The red solid line depicts a fit using a Gaussian function (blue histogram) for J/psi signal and a fourth-order polynomial function (red dashed line) for background.”
  • line 29-30, as described in my previous email, please add some reasoning for this.
  • line 59, “up-to a factor 10”, reads a bit negative. Please clarify the pT region and may add that the difference is getting much smaller at high pT.
  • line 65-66, “VPD requirement”, “vertex finding” these are related to my suggestion before to add some details on these in dataset subsection.


==> Page 4 <==

  • Fig. 2, not need of (a) and (b) under each panel.
  • Fig. 3, the legend texts can be made clearer though some of them are in the caption. You may remove “channel” from first line and “efficiency” from the “Vertex finding”. May add a couple of more words for “MTD”. And the ordering may be re-organized so they more or less follow the same order in terms of their magnitude in the figure.
  • line 23-26, does the same-sign pair distribution reproduce the background well, even in high pT bins? I am wondering about there will be some finite correlated background similar as in dielectron analysis. Secondly, why trying an even higher order polynomial? why not using lower order ones like 2nd? Finally, I don’t quite understand the logic here, particularly the first part of the sentence “since …..”.


==> Page 5 <==

  • Fig. 4, since you have some room, maybe enlarge the text size a bit. You may remove “J/psi” from the text in each panel.
  • line 2-4, may add a couple of sentences on how these were estimated.
  • line 14-16, similarly may include how the estimation was conducted.
  • line 29, “… trigger efficiencies .. negligible”. but previously in line 14-16, you said the MTD trigger uncertainty is about 3.6%.


==>Page 6 <==

  • line 9-11, too many significant digits for the final results. should be 10.2 +/- 0.9 +/- 1.6 +/- 1.1 and 67 +/- 6 +/- 10 +/- 7. Please see the PDG book for some details.
  • line 12, suggest to replace with “J/psi -> ee”
  • line 18, I believe the trigger is on the transverse energy.
  • somewhere you may add a reference to previous 200 GeV paper
  • formula 4, isn’t it a natural log which should be “ln” then? And please use “\ln” in the equation so it will display as non-italic.
  • line 32, “theoretical”, I wouldn’t call it just theoretical since many parameters need to be calibrated. You can call it “expected”
  • line 33, “ln”
  • I think you also have an adc0 cut, right?
  • line 42-44, for non-trigger electron, the description seem to be too brief. I remember you don’t require any BEMC match, so TPC track only?

==> Page 7 <==

  • Table I and also to Table II on page 10: as in the meeting note, I would suggest to report the cross section values with absolute stat and sys uncertainties. Please drop unnecessary significant digits. You can use scientific notation so you don’t end up with several zeros for large numbers. For total cross section, may be better to list also out the polarization envelope. Not sure if it is better to included as one uncertainty term in total cross section or may be listed as a separate column.
  • Also on these two tables, the units on the first row have some issues. for pT it should be GeV/c to be consistent. For cross sections, should be (pb/(GeV/c)^2). You may also add some spaces so the texts in the first row have clearer separation between columns.
  • Fig. 7, we discussed in the meeting, please keep the Y-axis range for the insert panel large enough to include also negative entries. You may move some of the text above the inserted panel into the frame so you can enlarge the size a bit. If possible, I would also suggest to lower the Yaxis lowedge for the main frame too. Now the high mass data points are too close to the axis and I can see there is at least one negative entry that is not shown in the figure.
  • FIg. 7, try your best to enlarge the text size a bit. You may want to check with the journal requirement to see whether it is sufficient.
  • line 5-6, suggest to remove “and can be described by an exponential function.” Not clear this is given. Since you will describe the fit procedure later on. This part is not needed here.
  • line 18, 3.9\sigma
  • formula 5, on the numerator, maybe add a superscript “raw” to be clear on this is raw counts.
  • line 45-47, “gamma” -> “photon conversion”, “…. based on detector simulations.” this is very vague. Please add a few more to describe how the simulation studies were carried out.
  • line 57, add “at high pT” after “lower detection efficiency”.


==> Page 8 <==

  • Fig. 8, please try to use the similar style as in Fig. 7 for this one. I see the histogram lines and marker lines are thicker here. 
  • Fig. 9, we discussed during the meeting. I would not recommend to add scales to some of the data points. but instead you may separate the figure into two panels, maybe just separate the trigger efficiency out as it also spans a much larger range. Then for the rest in one panel, you can keep the Y-axis range limited hopefully different groups can be visually separated. Please try to use open markers for some of the groups. In the legend, I don’t think you need the lines along the maker sign in front of each line.
  • Fig. 10, try to enlarge the text and marker size a bit more. bottom panel Y title, may try #varepsilon so the symbol shown up to be consistent with the text.


==> Page 9 <==

  • line 8-12, as I mentioned in previous email, what about the trigger efficiency uncertainty, since it seems have a sizable impact on the efficiency, I wonder the associated uncertainty may not be completely negligible, particularly comparing to the currently quoted ~5% systematic uncertainty.
  • line 27-29, 10.7 +/- 0.5 +/- 0.4 +/- 0.9. The second number looks good.
  • line 34-37, similar to line 8-12.
  • line 19, “ICEM of directly produced J/psi..” I chatted with Ramona about this and she confirmed that in the ICEM since they can count for various spin states, the calculated J/psi cross section should be the prompt J/psi cross section including feed-down from excited states.


==> Page 10 <==

  • Table II, similar comments as to Table I
  • Fig. 13, I wonder whether there are any LHC experimental results. I wonder there should be from pretty much all 4 experiments? e.g. from CMS. Please do a survey to add these latest measurements.
  • line 1 started from the last line in previous sentence. We discussed this during the meeting, We need to consider the polarization envelope and also in my view, the goodness of agreement between data and model is similar for ICEM and CGC+NRQCD.
  • line 11-13, I would suggest to move this sentence to page 9 line 46 when we first present the two results together. Please also comment on the cross section difference in two rapidity windows.
  • The xT scaling paragraph need to be improved. It is better to start with a couple of sentences for motivation. And sounds like n is a free parameter for fit? So we’d better present the fit results with uncertainties then.
  • line 23, need references.


==> Page 11 <==

  • I think it is better still to present a comparison or ratio plot for non-prompt J/psi cross section w.r.t the total inclusive. Maybe one approach is to add the nonprompt J/psi cross section from FONLL calculation in panel (a). But please feel free to comment.
  • line 9-14, all the numbers, as commented before, please drop some significant digits.


==> Page 12 <==

  • references:
  • [1], in the second paper missing “.” after “et al”
  • [7], drop the arXiv numbers
  • [8],[9] et al. these experimental references, usually we still include the first author, XXXX et al.(XXX Collaboration),
  • [21], NIMA abbreviation try to be consistent with others


Thanks and Best Regards



  - Paper draft: STAR_PP500_JPSI_v4.pdf
  - Dimuon Note: pp500_Jpsi_dimuon_AN_v14.pdf
  - Dielectron Note: pp500_Jpsi_dielecton_AN_v6.pdf

Xin's comments:

Thanks for addressing my comments. I have a few follow up questions related to the analysis and results. I have also read through the latest manuscript, but probably cannot put down my comments before the meeting. I will send them out later today.

1) J/psi->mumu analysis, the efficiency*acceptance correction is applied candidate-by-candidate. I may miss it but can you elaborate the reason why this has to be done in this way? Do you have the comparison between this way and the way when applying the average efficiency in each bin.
2) J/psi->ee analysis, when changing adc0 from 290->320, how large difference is the J/psi reconstruction efficiency? How large does this variable affect the measured Psi(2S)/J/psi ratio? This part should be included in the total systematic error for Psi(2S)/Jpsi ratio
3) On the J/psi->ee results listed in Table II in the paper, how are the pT position values calculated? I find the position values in different pT bins look quite odd. e.g. in first pT bin, the pT value is a bit lower than the center value (4.25), fine; in the second bin, it is larger than the center value (4.75), and in the third bin, it is smaller again; in the fourth bin, it is significantly smaller than the center value (5.66 vs. 5.75), also in later bins, the values look all fluctuating a lot….. The pt positioning is not described in the technical note. Please clarify.

>> The bin position is determined by the method in this paper ( 

      Also I am also curious how these values are calculated in the J/psi->mumu results though the values don’t show any obvious behavior yet.
4) On the model comparison, I wonder do you have calculations from any CS model? In paper manuscript page 2, line 9-13, we argue the precision measurement to test CSM vs. NRQCD. Would be nice to have the CSM calculation so we can draw any conclusion here.
5) On the x_T scaling test in Fig. 15, how are the n parameters determined? Are they from a fit or inspired by some models?  

(I got kicked out of BlueJeans at this point, so I missed the discussion of items 1 and 2).
3. Qian will look at the pT values for each bin.
4. Perhaps the discussion of the CSM in the introduction should be modified, since it is not one of the models that is compared to data in the paper.  (Let’s wait on modifying the introduction until we have refined the conclusions.)
5. We suggest more discussion of the significance of the parameter in xT scaling.  Also, Xin suggested a fit to the J/psi data to extract the parameter from these data.

On the figures:
Insert of Fig. 7 is not extending into the negative y-axis range, as we discussed before.
Figure 9 – It is still difficult to distinguish the data points in the black/white version of the paper.  We suggest make symbol sizes bigger (including in the legend), use some open symbols, remove error bars from symbols in the legend, separate out the trigger efficiency into a separate panel, and zoom in on the y-axis for the panel containing the remaining efficiencies.

Some comments on the text:
Page 2, line 98 – Modify the text that justifies the DCA<3 cut based on “rejecting secondary decays”.  You don’t want to give the impression that we reject a significant fraction of the B decays. 
Pages 8-9 – In the list of sources of systematic uncertainty, include estimates for each source in the same way that the mu+mu- analysis does.

Tables I and II – Show absolute values of the statistical and systematic uncertainties (rather than the fractional values), remove the column for the total uncertainties, and add a column for the polarization envelope.

Conclusions on page 11:
In the comparison to theoretical models, the statement of “tension at low pT” cannot be made given the large polarization envelope at low pT.
We also discussed refining the last statement of the paper.   People should think about this in conjunction with the introduction.

When we are satisfied with the text, presentation of results, and conclusions, then we can move on to refine the abstract and introduction.


We discussed analysis-related questions that Xin sent by email.
PA's had responded to the questions, but just a few remained ambiguous.  
Two of these had homework for the PA's.

1.  (From the muon decay channel analysis note)
On the question of the two different PYTHIA8 simulations that were used, what were the specific parameters varied?  Please list them to help us judge whether these two are sufficient for the systematic uncertainty estimate.

>> The PYTHIA setting: PYTHIA Setting.pdf

2.  (From the electron channel analysis note)
For the variation of the adc0 cut from 290->300, this was only a 7% variation.  Xin suggested trying another cut with a larger variation (25-50%).

For the figure with the theory comparisons, we agreed to use the version with the FONLL correction included, and that it would help to add to the discussion a more quantitative statement about the magnitude of the effect.

Follow-ups on the quality of figures:
Figure 9 - The symbols are still not distinguishable in B&W version.  Try using some open symbols and making the symbols even larger.
Figure 10 - The axis labels/titles should be made a bit bigger
Figure 7 - The axis labels on the insert should be bigger, the y-axis should extend into the negative region to show all of the data points, and the 4.4 should not be partially covered (it could be removed altogether). 

If I have forgotten anything, please amend.

During the coming week, the GPC will start to focus on paper text and conclusions.


The replies to Xin's comments: 
   - Dimuon: Replys_to_Xin_dimuon.pdf
   - Dielectron:

The updated notes: 

   - Dimuon analysis note: pp500_Jpsi_dimuon_AN_v13.pdf
   - Dielectron analysis note: pp500_Jpsi_dielecton_AN_v5.pdf
The updated paper draft: 
   - Without FONLL correction: STAR_PP500_JPSI_no_FONLL.pdf
   - With FONLL correction: STAR_PP500_JPSI_with_FONLL.pdf


Participants: Saskia, Rosi, Zaochen, Petr, Qian, Te-Chuan, Yi
Presentation: Te-Chuan (theory correction):
                     Zaochen (Code QA):
Note (Saskia): 

Here are the notes for Dec. 17.

- We discussed Te-Chuan's analysis to correct theory calculations to be inclusive J/psi, rather than prompt only.

- There was some concern about "correcting" theory, but some expressed that it would be preferable to compare the same quantity as the data in the theory-comparison figure.  The text would have to clearly state what was done.

- Te-Chuan showed 2 methods, one based on measurements and one on FONLL, with consistent results.  There was a suggestion to incorporate the PHENIX measurement at 510 GeV.  Although the rapidity range for the PHENIX measurement is different, their paper shows that their data fall directly on a \sqrt(s) dependence of the feeddown fraction measurements (Fig. 9).  If the rapidity distribution for prompt and feeddown J/psi is similar, it won't have a big effect on the fraction.
The bbbar cross section that PHENIX extracted from their feeddown fraction is slightly on the high side of the FONLL calculation, but consistent within the large statistical uncertainties (Fig. 11).

- There was also a question about including the uncertainties of the feeddown fraction in the corrected theory curves.  That was not yet done, and perhaps we could get away with just quoting it in the text where we describe what was done.

- Te-Chuan will update us on his results by email.

- Zaochen did a very comprehensive code QA and found issues in a few of the plotting macros not being up-to-date.  The PA's agreed to update these soon.  Since the figures may evolve over the next few weeks, the macros will be checked again at the end of the GPC process. 
He also suggested to back up root file on HPSS, so that the results could be reproduced if something happened to the files on disk.


Participants: Saskia, Xin, Rosi, Zaochen, Petr, Qian, Te-Chuan, Yi
Presentation: Qian Yang (Dielectron channel):
Note (Saskia):

Today we discussed the presentation by Qian Yang on the J/psi results from the e+e- decay channel, the comparison of the two measurements, and the comparison of both results to theory.

- Systematic uncertainty due to internal conversions (4%):  make sure this is discussed in the text.

- Fig. 11 - mention these are the uncertainties on the fiducial cross section

- Page 7 - In the discussion of what is included in the efficiency in Fig 10 (lines 24+), mention the momentum resolution and additional pT smearing.

Fig. 13 - The systematic uncertainty on the ratio includes just the uncertainties on the yield extraction, since all other uncertainties cancel in the ratio.   Perhaps such a statement could be added on page 9 around line 41.

- Theory discussions - 
- Check the CEM papers whether other charmonium-state feed-down is included in the J/psi cross section.  We suspect that perhaps the Color Evaporation Model includes these, but not sure.
- Theory does not include B decays.  Xin proposed to "correct" theory calculations for this contribution (see Xin's email dated 12/3/2018).  PA's agreed to try this, and we will discuss it after such a figure is made.
At the very least, there should be a discussion of how much such contribution may be.

- We discussed the differences in the CM energy and rapidity range for the two measurements compared in Fig. 14.
We can either correct the measurements for the differences (in particular for the rapidity range), or we can discuss the magnitudes of the expected differences in the text.  PA's will try to make a figure that takes differences into account, and we will take a look.

Schedule for next steps:
1.  Dec. 17 
- Discuss remaining analysis issues as well as the presentation of analysis details in the text
- Update on code QA

When details of analysis are settled

2.  Discuss presentation of results, quality of figures, and physics conclusions

3. Abstract and Introduction

4. English QA


Participants: Saskia, Xin, Rosi, Zaochen, Petr, Qian, Te-Chuan, Yi
Presentation: Te-Chuan Huang (Dimuon channel):
Note (Saskia):

Today we discussed the presentation by Te-Chuan on the mu+mu- decay channel.  We will continue with Qian's presentation next time.

Below is a list of some initial comments from the discussion today.  If you have additional comments on the current draft, please send them to the email list.

- Consider changing the title to something that specifies that the differential cross sections are only as a function of pT and not rapidity; something like 
"Measurements of the transverse-momentum-dependent cross sections
of J/Psi production .... at mid rapidity with the STAR detector"
It may be ok as is, since pT- and y-dependent cross sections are sometimes referred to as "doubly differential".  Check how this is commonly done in PRD.

- Additional pT smearing is mentioned in the context of the mu+mu- analysis on line 85.  It should also be mentioned in the context of the e+e-, with a statement about whether it is quantitatively consistent with the additional smearing used in the mu+mu- simulation.

- This additional smearing should be mentioned when discussing Fig. 1, as the mass peak differs substantially from PDG value. Something like, "the mass line shape agrees with simulation, including the momentum smearing effect."

- Fig. 4 - the y-axis label should reflect that these are "weighted counts"

- For Figs. 5 and 11, remove the "total" error, as this assumes the statistical and systematic can be added in quadrature.

- Figs. 6, 12, and 14 - Can we include the common luminosity uncertainty somehow in the plots, indicating that it is an overall normalization uncertainty (which is different from the other systematic errors)?  The concern is that theorists may take the data from the plot without considering this additional uncertainty.

In the discussion of the theory comparisons, it should be made clear to what degree the comparison is expected to agree.  What is the difference that is allowed for, due to feed-down from B -decay?  Are the excited-state decays included in the models?