mass dependence of relative beam intensity

In order to see if the pion mass has a dependence on beam intensity, not just run number (or time). I estimated the beam intensity for each run in 2 fills.

I use the formula beam intensity = # BBC minbias triggers * prescale / duration of the run, and plot the pion mass as a function of the estimated beam intensity for the run.

Duration of the run was read from online database, as the difference between Run Stop Time and Run Start Time.


1. Fill 15372:  red dots--pion mass,  blue dots--LED.

                     pion masses are calculated without any time dependent corrections.                an example of mass fits


                                                              figure 1. a).  mass vs relative intensity



                                                            figure 1. b).  mass vs absolute intensity



 Beam intensity was normalized to the 1st run of this fill, while pion mass and LED are normalized to run12080001.

 Following is the list of estimated beam intensity:

12089084 15372 1969619.4863
12089085 15372 1488615.5064
12089087 15372 1190635.8892
12089089 15372 1269398.9831
12090002 15372 937341.8003
12090003 15372 825754.2734
12090006 15372 836483.1019
12090007 15372 777935.6763
12090009 15372 758918.4794
12090010 15372 719818.0794
12090011 15372 682906.1362
12090019 15372 603492.9960
12090020 15372 569005.6357
12090022 15372 561555.9221

  We see that intensity drops down monotonically as a function of run number.


2. Fill 15376


                                                                   figure 2. a).  mass vs relative intensity



                                                                   figure 2. b).  mass vs absolute intensity


beam intensity:

12090038 15376 1959865.5000
12090042 15376 1423380.1655
12090043 15376 1303672.8845
12090045 15376 1303793.3672
12090046 15376 1194456.7605
12090047 15376 1106374.2277
12090048 15376 981101.1756
12090049 15376 919172.0953
12090050 15376 879653.1646
12090051 15376 819669.6867
12090052 15376 791691.8092
12090054 15376 682255.9601
12090055 15376 665583.5645
12090060 15376 580188.8854


3. pion mass, 2 fills combined