proposed plots for DNP talk

Here is the version 0 of my DNP talk, without any analysis plots.

Follwing are the figures that I think might be worth showing. All the analyses were done with Steve's calibration (Ouptutset*.root from day79 to day98)

1. An v.s. cos(phi), for 75 GeV pions, pseudorapidity (2,6,4.0), JP1/JP2 trigger (0x200).   Raw asymmetry has been multiplied by 2


2. Pion yield vs energy, with energy dependent mass cut. 0.1 GeV mass window.  Here is mass vs Energy for the following 12 energy bin: pdf, eps



3. Pion yield vs Pt, with energy dependent mass cut. 0.1 GeV mass window. Mass vs pT: pdf, eps


4. pT vs Energy,pion candidates