FMS meeting 04/07/2014 --combined picoDST production for Mriganka and Yuxi's analysis

This is to show some progress toward producing run11 FMS picoDST files for both Mriganka and my own analysis. The goal is to have a validated
framework to ensure the same collection of FMS photons will be used by Mriganka's EMjet analysis and my inclusive pi0 analysis. Previously in my
own StRoot code I have a set of makers which take care of reconstructing FMS photons and populate the relevant fms cluster and point objects. A 
description of this framework can be found at here. I've been using this set of tools for my inclusive pi0 as well as forward-forward, forward-central
correlation analyses. At the same time Mriganka has been working on EM jet reconstruction with FMS photons. Since our plan is to move towards a
combined analysis and publication for forward pi0 asymmetries and its event topology dependence, it's desirable to have a consistent photon reconstruction
and selection procedure. To that end I've tried to incorporate FMS jet findings in my StRoot code and made some comparisons with jets produced by
Mriganka's code (as of 03/31/2014, used for his APS meeting talk).

Here I will document and discuss the cuts and selection criteria used by Mriganka's analysis code and compare the jets I produced with the same cuts
to those produced by Mriganka's code. Then I'd like to propose some changes to the cuts and procedures.

1). Mriganka's cuts for photon and EM jet reconstruction
    Event level selections:
    a). veto on LED trigger ID

    b). cut on highest tower energy / detector energy sum (<0.9)  --> calculated before applying LED corrections
    c). cut on total number of photons (<=28) and maximum number of photons (<=7) from the 4 NSTB module

    cluster/photon selections:

    d). mask out hot towers --> hot tower list used for APS meeting talk

    e). FMS cluster energy threshold: 2 GeV for small cells, 0.75 GeV for large cells.
         clusters with energies less than threshold will not be considered in the shower fits.
    f). photons with pT > 0.001 GeV are fed to the jet finder  --> E-dependent correction applied

    g).There is also an ad-hoc procedure to remove photons with abs(phi-0.663) < 0.005 and abs(phi-0.683)<0.005
         to temporarily tackle some more hot areas.

    One other thing to note is that in Mriganka's code the old default shower function was used, namely:
    a1 = 0.8, a2 = 0.3, a3 = -0.1, b1 = 0.8, b2 = 0.2, b3 =7.6
    But in Steve's analysis for CIPANP preliminary result he used the updated shape:
                    float a1[3]={1.070804, 0.167773, -0.238578};
                    float b1[3]={0.535845, 0.850233, 2.382637};

    I managed to incorporate all of Mriganka's cuts and the default shower shapes in my own StRoot code and made some
    plots for comparison. Data is from run11 Fill15419 (11 runs)

            Figure 1. jet pT , 40GeV < E < 100 GeV, 2.8 < eta < 4.0                        Figure 2. jet energy, 2.8 < eta < 4.0

             FIgure 3. jet eta, 40 GeV < E < 100 GeV                                                Figure 4. jet phi, 40 GeV < E < 100 GeV

             Figure 5. number of photons in jet, 40 GeV < E < 100 GeV, 2.8 < eta < 4.0

Now I propose to make the following changes to the cuts and reconstruction procedure:

2). Yuxi's cuts for photon reconstruction

  Event level selections:
    a). veto on LED trigger ID and TCU bit on fms-LED trigger

    b). cut on highest tower energy / detector energy sum (<0.9)  --> calculated after applying LED corrections
    c). cut on total number of photons (<=28) and maximum number of photons (<=7) from the 4 NSTB module
    d). cut on summed cluster energies (<500GeV) to remove LED trails

cluster/photon selections:

    d). mask out hot towers --> hot tower list used for APS meeting talk

    e). FMS cluster energy threshold: 0.75 GeV for small cells, 0.75 GeV for large cells.

    f). apply fiducial area cuts: photons have to be 0.5 cell width away from N/S outer and inner boundaries, 1 cell width away from central hole,
        and not on spacers -- same cuts as used by Jim

    g). photons with pT > 0.001 GeV are fed to the jet finder  --> E-dependent correction applied

    h). ad-hoc procedure to remove photons with abs(phi-0.663) < 0.005 and abs(phi-0.683)<0.005
         to temporarily tackle some more hot areas.

Also I used the asymmetric shower functions to account for incident angle effect. The following plots show the comparison
between FMS jets produced by this procedure and jets from Mriganka's code.

             Figure 6. jet pT, 40GeV < E < 100GeV, 2.8 < eta < 4.0                              Figure 7. jet energy, 2.8 < eta < 4.0

                                                                  Figure 8     jet eta phi  40GeV < E < 100 GeV, 2.8 < eta < 4.0
                           Figure 9   # of photons in jets