ppv for pythia mini bias events in y2012

The following results are done under SL12b.

Due to the lib load order is wrong in SL12b, I copy the StBFChain in DEV, and compile it under SL12b.

Total 20000 events PYTHIA mb events were processed


GSTAR setup

geometry y2012

vxyz 0.3 -0.1 -5.0

vsig  0.01  20.0

gkine -1 0 0 100 -6.3 6.3 0 6.29 -85.0 75.0

pythia setup

MSEL 1         ! Collision type
MSTP (51)=7
MSTP (82)=4
PARP (82)=2.0
PARP (83)=0.5
PARP (84)=0.4
PARP (85)=0.9
PARP (86)=0.95
PARP (89)=1800
PARP (90)=0.25
PARP (91)=1.0
PARP (67)=4.0


BFC chain reconstruction options

w/o TOF


w/ TOF


The results don't change by excluding btofsim.



Total 20000 events PYTHIA mb events were processed. Among these, 19386(w/o TOF) and 19383(w/ TOF) events have at least one reconstructed vertex. The following plot shows the vertex ranking for all found vertices.


The odd thing is the positive ranking values are too concentrated to certain value. Also, the reconstructions w/ or w/o TOF have tiny influnce on this distribution.

 If we define the vertices with positive ranking are "good" vertices, the following shows the "good" vertex statistics.

 About 54% events have at least one "good vertex." If define good vertices as those have positive ranking and |Vz - Vz(Mc)| < 1 cm, then about 53.3% events have at least one "good vertex' .