HF minutes - 2017/11/30

1) Latest results with KF Particle Finder - Maksym Zyzak

  • Slide 9, suggest to cut on 1/beta instead of m2 as m2 doesn't follow Gaussian distribution
  • Slide 10, the mean and sigma were obtained by 1-Gaussian fit, affected by purity at high-pT as the tracks are selected by TOF only. Suggest to combine TOF and V0 to improved the purity of the sample.

2) KF-Particle test results from run14 - Guannan Xie

  • A comparison between KFParticle and the traditional method are compared for D0 and D+- with run14 1-day data (MuDST). For D0, the two methods has pretty similar performance. For D+-, KFP seems have similar reconstruction efficiency but much better performance on suppressing background. However, the comparison is not quite fair at this moment as for the traditional method, the cuts are directly took from D0, not tuned with TMVA.
  • Suggest to look at different pT bins.
  • Last slide, last bullet, to run KFP on the run14 PicoDST, only need to modify the interface, don't need to modify KFP code.

3) Paper proposal: J/psi polarization in 200 GeV p+p with MTD - Zhen Liu

  • Fig. 6, results in CS frame seems systematically higher than that in Helix frame, though within uncertainties.
  • Question on systematic uncertainty calculation, PA answered that the systematic uncertainty is RMS of the results of different cuts, but need to include all the combination of cut variations.
  • Long discussion on whether combine Siwei's and Zhen's paper proposals into one paper. The conclusion is to make PWGC review at the same day. After receiving the analysis notes etc, then decide whether merge or not before forming a GPC. If it turns out one analysis need much longer time to solve some issues related to analysis techniques than the other one, one will be sent back to PWG and the other one move forward alone.

4) Update on Paper proposal: J/psi polarization in 200 GeV p+p with run12 data (ee) - Siwei Luo

  • Suggest to add back some MC plots
  • Several plot with many panels with 2D plots. Suggest to use the same Z-scale for all of the panels and indicate the Z-scale.
  • Slide 8, Suggest to add error bar of the fit. Very busy, need find a way to make it more readable. 2nd row, last two panels, 3 curves overlay with each other, but the uncertainty on \lambda_phi is small, need to double check.

5) Upsilon vs. event activity - Leszek Kosarzewski

  • Slide 5, the systematic uncertainty is not 1% for some data point.
  • Slide 6, run9 data has some problem and reproduced. PA is still working on the reproduced data.
  • Slide 13, suggest to study with PYTHIA to optimize the regularization parameter