HF minutes - 2018/02/22

 1) D0 v1 in 200 GeV Au+Au - Liang He

     A comparison of D0 v1 from Liang and Subhash are presented.

  • slide 3, there is question why the events after cut is different between Liang and Subhash. Need to check if the events before cut is the same or not.
  • slide 7,
    • The 4x difference of the D0 yield is understood to due to different method to implement the efficiency weighting. But the relative statistical uncertainty still show same difference.
    • Besides of the different method to implement the efficiency weighting, the invariant mass fit method is also different. Liang is using Likelihood and Subhash is using \chi^2.
    • Subhash mentioned that he is using different D0 reconstruction method than Liang and Sooraj. What he is using was developed by Hui Long. 
    • Subhash also commented that different event plan flattening procedure could also cause the difference in certain \phi-\psi bin.
    • Liang changed cuts, but forgot to change the efficiency used for the weighting. This need to be updated.
  • It is concluded that the most important thing right now is comparing the mass distribution instead of comparing the final D0 v1. To do the comparison, not only the cuts, but also the analysis method should be the same.