HF minutes - 2018/10/25

 1) Update on D0 spectra paper - Guannan Xie

  • Slide 12, why there is relative large change? Guannan found later is because the fitting function changed a little bit. The change is within statistical uncertainties.
  • Slide 16, right panels, suggest to zoom out the y-axis a little bit as some data points are outside of the frame.

Xin Dong requested disk space for KPiX tree production from the new PicoDst. Petr and Rongrong commented that when we have new PicoDst, the disk space occupied by MTD and KFParticle PicoDst could be released and it is a large disk space. Then the question is when the new PicoDst will be finished, not clear answer. Xin also thinking about reduce the size for KPiX tree. 

Anyhow, an official request of disk space is needed. Also, it is very helpful if it can be provided when request the disk space how much CPU time can be saved by using KPiX tree compared to using PicoDst.