HF minutes 2020/04/09

 1) HFT NPE RAA/RCP paper proposal - Matthew Kelsey
     Matthew presented the paper proposal on behalf of the PAs. Below are some comments:

  • Title is a little bit too long. It is suggested to cut away the first half of the title and start the title from “Evidence of..."
  • Fig. 1, please consider to add the cut on the upper panel. Matthew mentioned the cut is slightly different for 2014 and 2016 dataset. The plot is for 2014, maybe add the cut for 2014.
  • Fig. 3, it was suggested to add the RAA vs. pT in all the finer centrality bins. Matthew said it is not the main focus of this paper, the centrality dependence can be included in a long paper.
  • Fig 4:
    • It was suggested to add data points by combining the last two pt bins shown in the right panel of Fig. 2, as what has beed done for Fig. 3. 
    • Rongrong suggest to plot pt-integrated RAA double ratio as a function of centrality. 
    • There was question about why the systematic uncertainties are much smaller for 0-20%/20-40% than 0-20%/40-80%. The explanation is a) related to statistics; b) the absolution uncertainties is related to the values of the double ratio. Matt will double check.
  • This paper depends on the paper of the inclusive NPE paper. There are concerns how to move these two papers towards publication.