zchang's blog - run12 pp500 inclusive jet cross-section -- unfolding uncertainties - January 17., 2018
- run12 pp500 inclusive jet cross-section -- trigger bias uncertainties - February 7., 2018
- unfold run12 pp510 inclusive jets -- matching ratio, track efficiency and underlying event correction - February 20., 2018
- How to populate offline triggerThreshold and triggerDefinition tables - February 25., 2018
- Run12 jet cross section systematic uncertainties -- track efficiency and tower energy - March 6., 2018
- run12 jet cross section systematic uncertainties -- hadronization corrections - March 14., 2018
- run12 inclusive jet cross-section -- tune systematic uncertainties - April 3., 2018
- run12 inclusive jet cross-section -- summary - June 20., 2018
- RBRC Workshop: The Definition of Jets in a Large Background - June 22., 2018
- Run12 Inclusive and Dijet Jet A_LL Paper Page - July 29., 2018
- Example: Fill-to-fill Beam Polarization Uncertainty Calculation - August 13., 2018
- Matching TPC tracks to BEMC towers - August 14., 2018
- run12 pp510 jet cross-section: particle energy loss in GEANT - September 5., 2018
- run12 pp510 cross-section analysis -- BEMC Hadron response and track efficiency - October 8., 2018
- BNL ECRS2018 Presentation - October 9., 2018