Run12 Inclusive Jet A_LL -- embedding sample -- 4 (QA)

v0.8 tune with exponent 0.213
v1.1 tune with exponent 0.12
1: jet pt
2: jet eta
3: jet phi
4: jet rt
5: jet paricle jt 
6: track mult(iplicity)
7: track pt
8: tower mult
9: tower pt
10: rt vs jet pt
11: number of positive ranked vertices for events with jets found
12: jet area
13: jet area vs. jet pt
14: ue dpt vs. jet pt
15: ue cone tower mult vs. jet pt
16: ue cone track mult vs. jet pt
17: ue cone track pt
18: ue cone track pt vs. jet pt
19: ue cone tower pt
20: ue cone tower pt vs. jet pt