Preliminary request BES-II CME ESS

Update Sep 13/2023:

Add all figures for preliminary requests, that are shown in QM

1. v2(pT) and pair v2 (pair pT) dist of BES-II
2. q2 and pair q2, v2(q2/pair q2) and pair v2 (pair q2/q2)
3. 19.6 GeV cen5 middle steps ESS(a)(b)(c)(d)
4. DG112 in Au+At at 7.7, 14.6, 19.6, 27 GeV
5. DG132 in Au+Au at 7.7, 14.6, 19.6, 27 GeV
6. fraction of <DG112> before/after ESS
7. money plot (BES-II distribution)

Updated Aug 19/2023:
 As suggested by conveners:
- Add the pair v2 vs centrality and pT distribution on slide 10.
- Add AVFD model and AMPT model results on back-up slide 22-24.

Update Aug 17/2023:
 As suggested by the conveners:
- Changes on slide 8 and 9 to clarify the pair / single particle angle. 

  Updated Aug 16/2023

 As suggested in today's pwg meeting, the following updates are made: 
- Replace some of the data points with existing preliminary points for 27 and 19.6 GeV, since the comparison plots show that they are consistent within error (though having a VPD cut difference). This change happened in slides 12, 13, and 16.
- Added detailed description for slide 11
- Added "Psi_1" on each figure.
- Rearrange the methodology part in slide 8 and 9 to clearly show that v2 and DG 112 is measured with selected events binning by POI q2.

Please see the attached file.