Very low pT J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV through the dimuon channel at STAR

  Very low pT J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN =200 GeV through the dimuon channel at STAR

PAs : Ziyang Li, Zhen Liu, Rongrong Ma, Kaifeng Shen, Zebo Tang, Wangmei Zha

Target Journal: Chinese Physics C


Enhancements of J/ψ production at very low transverse momentum (pT < 0.2 GeV/c) above the expected hadronic interaction yields have been observed in peripheral A+A collisions by the STAR Collaboration through the dielectron channel. This phenomenon is a signature of coherent photon-nucleus interactions. In this paper, the measurements of very low pT J/ψ production in peripheral Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV through the dimuon channel are presented. Significant J/ψ enhancements are observed at very low pT and are consistent with previous dielectron decay channel results within uncertainties. The excess yields of two decay channels are averaged and compared to equivalent photon approximation (EPA) calculation. The averaged excess yield is reasonably well described by the EPA calculation.



Figure 1. Unlike-sign muon pair invariant mass distributions for 0 < pT < 0.15 GeV/c in different centrality classes. The blue histograms indicate the mixed-event distributions for combinatorial background. The red curves indicate the combined fits of signal and background using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method. The gray lines in middle and right panels represent the correlated background from the fits.


Figure 2. Efficiency and detector acceptance as a function of J/ψ pT for different centralities from two datasets. Horizontal bars around open squares indicate bin widths. Data points from 2014 dataset are displaced horizontally for better visibility.


Figure 3. Invariant yields of J/ψ as a function of pT for different centralities within |y|<0.5. The error bars depict the statistical uncertainties while the boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. Solid lines are fits to the measurements within the range of pT > 0.2 GeV/c, while the dashed lines represent the fits extrapolated down to very low pT. The bands around solid lines show fit uncertainties.


Figure 4. J/ψ RAA as a function of pT in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV measured through the dimuon channel and compared to similar measurements via the dielectron decay channel. Data points of dielectron results have been horizontally shifted for clarity. The error bars depict the statistical uncertainties, while the boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. The shaded bands at unity show the global uncertainties, which include uncertainties in p+p reference and Ncoll.


Figure 5.  pT-integrated excess  J/ψ yield (pT < 0.1  GeV/c) as a function of Npart in comparison with previous dielectron results and EPA model calculations. Data points of dielectron results have been horizontally shifted for clarity. The error bars depict the statistical uncertainties, while the boxes represent the systematic uncertainties.


Figure 6. Excess J/ψ yield as a function of the negative momentum transfer squared -t (~pT2) for the 40-80% centrality class in Au+Au collisions, in comparison with previous dielectron measurements. Data points are displaced horizontally for clarify. The error bars depict the statistical uncertainties, while the boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. The solid curve denotes the EPA calculation, based on N+S scenario, of photoproduced  J/ψ production, including contributions from both coherent and incoherent photoproduction.


In summary, we present the measurements of coherent photo-induced J/ψ production in 30-80% Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC.

  • This is for the first time that STAR has measured very low pT J/ψ production via the dimuon channel.
  • The p distributions reveal significant enhancement within  p < 0.2 GeV/c with respect to the expected hadronic contribution.
  • The nuclear modification factor RAA is also calulated, an enhancement above unity in 60-80% centrality class is observed, with values reaching 15±3 (stat.)±3 (syst.) and 17±4±4 for 0 < pT < 0.05 and 0.05 < p< 0.1 GeV/c.
    • Centrality dependence of excess yield is measured. Comparison of the measurements to EPA calculations shows that the excess yield can be described reasonably well, the data seem to favor the calculation of Nucleus+Spectator scenario.
  • The coherent J/ψ yield as a function of -t (~ pT2) in 40-80% peripheral Au+Au collisions is presented. The suppression observed in the lowest pTbin across both decay channels further verify the interference effect in nuclear overlap region. Model calculations, which include coherent and incoherent photoproduction, describe the results reasonably well. The comparison to the the calculations indicates that the incoherent component may also be observed.

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