Embedding for 2015pp

Summary of the test embedding for pp2015 long2 dataset. 

MZ200106_SM2015Embedding.pdf - Test of the SL16d/Sl16d_embed mode for embedding production.
EmbeddingRequest2015Long.pdf - Embedding request.
MZ200203_JMEmbedding.pdf - Test of an unofficial embedding sample (45% stat)
MZ200210_JMEmbedding.pdf - Test of the official sample
MZ200226_SM2015Jet2015.pdf - Bug in the official sample spotted

MZ200317_Embedding.pdf - Test of the official production on RCF with fixed bug for pt bin (35 GeV, inf) 
MZ200325_JMEmbedding.pdf - Test of the official production on Cori with fixed bug for pt bin (35 GeV, inf) 
MZ200420_JMJet2015.pdf - QA of the whole reproduced embedding sample on Cori