newBHT eID QAs

 note the new analysis tree were produce by Bingchu, the dsmAdc problem was fixed during the picoDst process from Mudst while following EMC's method. 
then from the picodst to anaTree. everything is same as before.

for *630,  we added the dsmacd, adc,  e0 plots into our eid plots

we add #tpcemc elctrons and tpctof electron histograms


[7/6/15, 1:39:46 PM] Zhenyu Ye: 1. set ADC0 maximum to 2000 instead of 1000
[7/6/15, 1:40:29 PM] Zhenyu Ye: 2. BTower eta vs phi, use 40 bins in eta and 60 bins in phi
[7/6/15, 1:41:15 PM] Zhenyu Ye: 3. add ADC0 1D projection

for the TPCEMC electrons and TPCTOF electrons, we use the same pid cuts as zebo's