
 please find:
 1.the Raw pt spectra N/(2pi*pt*dpt*dy) as run11_cent_*_cut1_hptspectra.pdf
for each centrality combination
 2. efficiency for each centality as jpsieffi_newbin.gif
 3. invariant yields as jpsiptraw_perMB_efficorr.gif (note here,
     a. the TOF efficiency used the same one as Bingchu's Run12 pp and the nSigmaE as Shenghui's Run14 AuAu 
     b. the number of equivalent MB events are not correct, I just scale the Run11 data points to match the Run10 data points with one constant value)
4. overlay Run11 and Run10 invariant yield: plotsRun11Run10.gif

1. the peak widths did not show a increase trend as pt increase from the raw pt spectra 
2. the invariant yield, pt[3-4]GeV in Run11 are much lower than Run10(a possible reason: EMC electron ID required global pt>1.2 GeV in AnaTree production)

next to do:
need to calculate the TOF and nSigmaE efficiency from Run11
need to estimate the number of equivalent MB events