2022-2023 Winter-FST Operations Log (part 1)
Note: this log is not in the reversed time order.
Summer 2022 Log
Dec 27
1. Refill the coolant to ~ 50% and turn on the cooling system
2. Turn on the high voltage and obtain pedestal test runs; 2 successful attemp
3. Turn off the high voltage; turn off the cooling system
4. Disconnect coolant tubes and record the mapping between valves and tube tags; tape the valve openings and tube ends; collect overflowing NOVEC in the tanks;
S7 | R7-1-7 | R12 | S12-3-12 | R6 | R6-3-6 | S1 | S1-1-1 |
S8 | R8-1-8 | R11 | S11-3-11 | R5 | R5-3-5 | S2 | S2-1-2 |
S9 | R9-2-7 | R10 | S10-2-12 | R4 | R4-2-6 | S3 | S3-2-1 |
S10 | R10-2-8 | R9 | S9-2-11 | R3 | R3-2-5 | S4 | S4-2-2 |
S11 | R11-3-7 | R8 | S8-1-12 | R2 | R2-1-6 | S5 | S5-3-1 |
S12 | R12-3-8 | R7 | S7-1-11 | R1 | R1-1-5 | S6 | S6-3-2 |
1 stand alone clamp
1 clamp+screw
Additionally, there are 2 screws fall off and we could not find (the clamp is still on the tube)
4. Disconnect purple cables
Dec 28
1. Clear out NOVEC residue in the coolant tubes as much as possible
2. Surveillance the OP team moving FST out
Dec 29
1. Surveillance the OP team moving FST out
Jan 14
1. Connect the coolant tubes to the valves; tighten the clamps on the tube
2. Insufficient coolant in the tank; pump more coolant from the big reserve tank
3. Refill the coolant to ~79%. We did not switch the pump this time.
4. Open the valves
5. Attempt to turn on the pumps; monitor the tubes and see if bubbles exit; turn off some of the valves to increase the pressure, so that it can eliminate the bubbles in other tubes
6. Keep the cooling pumps on overnight. The level was at ~39% at 22:15
Part 2
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