Paper: Cold Nuclear Matter Effect on the Inclusive $J/\psi$ Production in p+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with

Cold Nuclear Matter Effect on the Inclusive $J/\psi$ Production in p+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR Experiment

List of PAs:
Ziyue Zhang, Zaochen Ye, Zhenyu Ye

Target Journal:

In this paper, the measurement of Cold Nuclear Matter (CNM) Effects on the production of the inclusive $J/\psi$ in p+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$ = 200 GeV is reported, and a combined $J/\psi\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}$ cross section in p+p at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$ = 200 GeV from STAR is calculated. The CNM effects in p+Au collisions are quantified by the Nuclear Modification Factor ($R_\text{pAu}$), defined as the ratio of the yield of the inclusive $J/\psi$ against that in the p+p collision, scaled by the average number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. The $R_\text{pAu}$ is derived as a function of transverse momentum ($p_\text{T}$) between 4 - 12 GeV/c and is averaged within the rapidity ($y$) and azimuthal angel ($\varphi$) coverage of $|y|<1$, $0 \leq \varphi < 2\pi$. The result is consistent with unity, suggesting negligible modification on the yield by the CNM effects in this kinematic region. Various model calculations are in agreement with $R_\text{pAu}$ measurement, yet calculations on yields in p+p and p+Au collisions are less satisfactory in describing the data. This analysis has improved the measurement precision in p+p cross section, p+Au invariant yield and consequently $R_\text{pAu}$ in the kinematics coverage.


Fig. 1 Signal Extraction
Caption: The invariant mass distributions of unlike-sign ($US$) dielectron pairs after subtraction of like-sign ($LS$) dielectron pairs as the combinatorial background in p+p and p+Au collisions. The vertical bars represent statistical uncertainties. The $US–LS$ mass distributions (black circles) are fit with a function (black lines) summed up by 2 contributions: a. templates from simulation representing the signal (red lines); b. an exponential function in an attempt to model the residual background empirically (blue dashed lines). The open black circles are excluded from the fit to reduce potential $\psi\left(2S\right)$ influence. The green dashed lines are the default lower and upper limits for yield integral.

Fig.2 p+p cross section
Caption: Inclusive $J/\psi$ cross section as a function of $p_\text{T}$ in p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200\text{ GeV}$ and comparison to STAR $J/\psi\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ measurement for $|y| < 0.5$ at the same $\sqrt{s}$ and to various model calculations for $|y| < 0.5$. Notice the ``*'' marker indicates that the dimuon measurement is corrected for the rapidity coverage from $|y|<0.5$ to $|y|<1$. This analysis (2015) is combined with 2 other published STAR $J/\psi\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}$ results with data taken in 2009 and 2012. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainties, while the brackets and transparent boxes represent the systematic uncertainty that is uncorrelated and correlated between $p_\text{T}$ bins, respectively. The horizontal bars represent the bin width. The dashed line is a fit to the combined.

Fig. 3 p+Au invariant yield
Inclusive $J/\psi\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}$ invariant yield as a function of $p_\text{T}$ in p+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}} = 200\text{ GeV}$ and comparison to STAR $J/\psi\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ measurement for $|y| < 0.5$ at the same $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$, and to various model calculations. The dashed line is a mixed fit to dielectron and dimuon channel results, covering $p_\text{T}$ range of $4 – 12$ GeV/c and $0 – 4$  GeV/c respectively. The representation of uncertainties and bin width is identical to Fig. 2

Fig. 4 RpAu
Caption: Inclusive $J/\psi\rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}$ $R_\text{pAu}$ compared to the $J/\psi\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ $R_\text{pAu}$ as well as the $R_\text{AA}$ in 0-20\% central Au+Au collisions at the same $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}$, and comparison on $R_\text{pAu}$ between STAR $J/\psi$ $R_\text{pAu}$ measurements dielectron and dimuon channel with various model calculations. The representation of uncertainties and bin width is identical to Fig. 2, with the exception of correlated uncertainties between $p_\text{T}$ bins are represented by the boxes of the corresponding color around unity.


Table 1: Systematic uncertainties for 2015 analysis
Caption: Summary table of the systematic uncertainties in this analysis in percentage. Values for 3 physics observables are quoted. The $p_\text{T}$ dependent uncertainties are quoted as a range. The $N_\text{mb}^\text{eqv.}$* is the quadrature sum of contributions from the $N_\text{mb}^\text{eqv.}$, $Trig.Bias$ and vertex finding efficiency estimation and is dominated by the former 2. The quadrature sum of all $p_\text{T}$ dependent uncertainties and $p_\text{T}$ independent uncertainties are quoted separately.

Table 2: Uncertainties before and after combination of dielectron p+p yield measurements
Caption: Uncertainties of dielectron measurements ($4 < p_\text{T} < 10\text{ GeV/c}$) in percentage of the central value within overlapping $p_\text{T}$ range. The $10 < p_\text{T} < 12\text{ GeV/c}$ bin is not included due to the fact that the sum of certain systematic uncertainties was extrapolated from lower $p_\text{T}$ ranges in 2012 results and hard to be compared with. The asymmetric uncertainties from raw yield estimation in 2009 results were averaged in order to provide direct comparison with others.``-'' indicates lack of estimation in the original publication; ``N/A'' indicates the source is not involved in the analysis; ``*'' indicates this source is included in ``**''; the total uncertainty listed in the table for each individual measurement has included the assigned complementary value to the lack of estimation entries.


Analysis Note: v3, v4

Paper Draft: v0, v1

PWGC Preview: slide, notes and response

PWG Review Comments and Response: draft_v0+anaNote_v3

GPC: (place holder)