hejdar's blog - Update of Moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions at STAR using the identity method - September 24., 2019
- Update of Moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions at STAR using the identity method - June 1., 2016
- Detail investigation of TPC dEdx distribution - April 8., 2015
- membrane hits position - April 17., 2014
- average laser hit - April 10., 2014
- Remark - November 7., 2013
- Remark - November 7., 2013
- Report 2 - October 31., 2013
- Development of tools for laser alignment and calibration of STAR TPC - February 2., 2012
- Can be laser tracks useful for alignment and calibration of STAR TPC - October 13., 2011
- Alignment and calibration using laser tracks Status Report - September 29., 2011