The iTPC was developed into a proposal. The technical design report is available as a STAR note SN0644.
Historical remarks:
We propose to upgrade the inner sectors of the STAR TPC to increase the segmentation on the inner pad plane and to renew the inner sector wires which are showing signs of aging. The upgrade will provide better momentum resolution, better dE/dx resolution, and most importantly it will provide improved acceptance at high rapidity to |eta|<1.7 compared to the current TPC configuration of |eta|<~1.0. In this proposal, we demonstrate that acceptance at high rapidity is a crucial part of STAR’s future as we contemplate forward physics topics such as p-A, e-A and the proposed phase II of the Beam Energy Scan program (BES II). Unlike the outer TPC sectors, the current inner TPC pad row geometry does not provide hermetic coverage at all radii. The inner pads are 11.5 mm tall yet the spacing between rows is variable but always greater than 5 cm, resulting in "missing rows". Approximately, only 20% of the path length of the charged particle traversing the TPC inner sector has been sampled by the electronics readout.
internal review:
New Electronics
optimize strongback for more electronics readout channels and for reducing materials.
Drawings from the original TPC design
prototype iTPC strongback machining at UT Austin:
machining strongback 10/15/2013
TPC insertion tool:
Fabrication of wire chambers
Pad size vs anode wire distance to padplance
STAR Note #0263
Design of a prototype mini-drift TPC at SDU:
tools for measuring wire tension:
wire tension parameters:
Wire Distortion calculations:
Searching for the possible tri-critical point in the QCD phase diagram is one of the major scientific tasks in heavy-ion physics.
Elliptic flow of identified particles has been used to study the properties of the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma.
Directed flow (v1) excitation functions have been proposed as promising observables for uncovering evidence of crossing a first-order phase transition, based on hydrodynamic calculations.
In addition to the above highlights of physics impact of the iTPC upgrade, the upgrade improves the tracking efficiency at low momentum.
The upgrade also significantly enhances STAR’s physics capability at RHIC top energy. The improved dE/dx resolution allows better separation of charged kaons and protons at high momentum.
This page have been repurposed to be the main page for management for the iTPC that was approved as a BNL Capital
project (< 5M%$). The subpages will contain the main point for iTPC manegement. The old pages have been deleted at this point.
Following the DOE review the project files are being updated.
November 20, 2016
Draft milestone table from current WBS excel file
The greyed out lines are poposed not to be in the Project Management Plan
Older files:
Management Forms from BNL; Project and cost files
The cost spreadsheet is from March 21, 2016. The numbers are used in the project management plan
Project Management Plan:
Version 12: updated version for September review.
Verdion 20: updated with KPP and clarification- changes since December marker in red.
Version 21: updated org chart (Feb 2018)
Reports quarterly.
Reports quarterly.