Constituent Delta-Phi relative to Recoil Jet Axis for Recoil Jets.

Constituent Delta-Phi relative to Recoil Jet Axis for Recoil Jets.

 From a Pythia simulation of pp-collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV.  This plots 'Delta-Phi = PhiConstituent - PhiJet' for the constituents of recoil jets ('PhiJet - PhiTrigger' is within +-pi/4 of pi) with reconstructed pT of 5 GeV/c or more.  The blue distribution is for jets reconstructed with R = 0.3, green is for R = 0.5, and red is for R = 0.8.  In this plot, reference angles haven't been accounted for; hence the little nubs around -2pi and 2pi.