Proof-of-Principle STARVMC application, take 1

Goal: Setup a framework in which we can test a VMC-based Monte Carlo application against STARSIM. 

Metrics: The metric will be to compare "hits" between the two simulation packages.  More precisely, we compare "state changes" on the particles at the exit of sensitve volume boundaries.

Figure 1 -- Shows energy deposition (color-axis) vs position in the STAR detector for a pythia 6 510 GeV pp --> W+ X --> e+ nu X event, passed through a prototype Geant 3 VMC application. 

Figure 2 -- Shows energy deposition (color-axis) vs position in the STAR detector for the same pythia 6 510 GeV pp --> W+ X --> e+ nu X event as in figure 1, passed through starsim.  The same user stepping class (StarVMCStepManager) is used in both the VMC application and starsim.

Figure 3 -- State transitions for every tracking step in a prototype VMC application (left) and starsim (right).  Every bit active in the state is plotted vs every other bit active in the state.  In other words, reading the "new" column on the left plot, we see that when a track is flagged as "new", it is also flagged as "entering" a volume and "alive".  Looking at the right, in starsim new tracks are also born "inside" of volumes.  Given that we have many more "new" tracks in starsim than in starvmc, may indicate that either decays or showers are not active in starvmc.