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Friday March 27, 2009

STAR Collaboration Meeting Spring 2009 at Brookhaven National Laboratory before QM2009

Saturday March 28, 2009
Start: 2009-03-23
End: 2009-03-28

STAR Collaboration Meeting Spring 2009 at Brookhaven National Laboratory before QM2009

Wednesday April 01, 2009
Start: 2009-04-01 11:00
End: 2009-04-01 12:00
Thursday April 02, 2009
Start: 2009-04-02 12:00
End: 2009-04-02 13:30

 Agenda may be found 

Wednesday April 08, 2009
Start: 2009-04-08 11:00
End: 2009-04-08 12:00
Start: 2009-04-08 12:00
End: 2009-04-08 13:15
Thursday April 09, 2009
Start: 2009-04-09 11:00
End: 2009-04-09 12:00

EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star

Start: 2009-04-09 12:00
End: 2009-04-09 13:30

 Agenda may be found 

Friday April 10, 2009
Start: 2009-04-10 13:30
End: 2009-04-10 14:30


Thursday April 16, 2009
Start: 2009-04-16 11:00
End: 2009-04-16 12:00

EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star

Start: 2009-04-16 12:00
End: 2009-04-16 13:30

  Agenda may be found 

Start: 2009-04-16 14:00
End: 2009-04-16 15:30
Friday April 17, 2009
Start: 2009-04-17 13:30
End: 2009-04-17 14:30


Start: 2009-04-17 15:00
End: 2009-04-17 16:00

Purpose: to discuss the first item and review especially the who is working on what and re-iterate the work to be done ahead.

Start: 2009-04-17 16:00
End: 2009-04-17 17:00

This meeting was set to converge toward a set of plots.

Wednesday April 22, 2009
Start: 2009-04-22 11:00
End: 2009-04-22 12:00
Thursday April 23, 2009
Start: 2009-04-23 11:00
End: 2009-04-23 12:00

EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community:  STAR // Password:  star

Start: 2009-04-23 12:00
End: 2009-04-23 13:30

  Agenda may be found 

Start: 2009-04-23 14:00
End: 2009-04-23 15:30