Attendees: Leve H., Dmitry A., Jerome L., Wayne B., Gene V.B.
Databases [Dmitry]:
a) machine status and plan for 26 weeks?
what does this mean for STAR BUR
b) STAR readiness
c) Polarimetry scaler
Pixel Mechanical - Howard W.
Pixel Electrical - Leo
Attendees: Wayne B., Leve H., Jérôme L., Gene V.B.
ShiftLog [Leve]:
Meeting was set to discuss on was to converge with the TPC voltage issue. This is the first of a serie of meetings with the diverse experts.
This meeting is the second of this kind. Meetings are being set to discuss and converge as far as the TPC voltage issue is concerned.
Meetings are being set to discuss and converge as far as the TPC voltage issue is concerned.
This is the third of this kind.
1) News
2) Ladder Debug Board - Christophe
3) RDO FPGA work - Christophe
Get updates on new-production analysis. Ds and D*
Attendees: Dmitry A., Wayne B., Leve H., Jérôme L., Gene V.B.
Online webserver:
1) News
2) RDO FPGA work - Christophe
3) RDO board FPGA - Micheal
News - Flemming
Pixel Mechanical - Howard W.
Attendees: Dmitry A., Wayne B., Leve H., Jérôme L., Gene V.B., Jan B., Maxim N.
Online webserver: