Wednesday January 25, 2012
Start: 2012-01-25 14:00
End: 2012-01-25 15:00
The primary agenda item is a presentation by Evan Sangaline about HDFS performance tests on a small cluster:
Thursday January 26, 2012
Start: 2012-01-26 10:00
End: 2012-01-26 11:00
* Status at BNL
* Electronics status
* Run 12 preparations
Start: 2012-01-26 10:00
End: 2012-01-26 11:00
Friday January 27, 2012
Tuesday January 31, 2012
Wednesday February 01, 2012
Thursday February 02, 2012
Start: 2012-02-02 10:00
End: 2012-02-02 11:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR /
Friday February 03, 2012
Start: 2012-02-03 13:30
a) get update on PXL sector material (cables etc) Flemming/Jonathan
Monday February 06, 2012
Start: 2012-02-06 15:00
- Initialization of DB
- Time-Line to Calibration-Readiness
Work Force for Run 12:
Wednesday February 08, 2012
Start: 2012-02-08 10:00
End: 2012-02-08 12:00
1. A_N GPC review preparation
Thursday February 09, 2012
Start: 2012-02-09 10:00
End: 2012-02-09 11:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: <
Friday February 10, 2012
Tuesday February 14, 2012
Wednesday February 15, 2012
Thursday February 16, 2012
Start: 2012-02-16 10:00
End: 2012-02-16 11:00
Friday February 17, 2012
Wednesday February 22, 2012
Thursday February 23, 2012
Start: 2012-02-23 10:00
End: 2012-02-23 11:00
EVO: Title: STAR Management Meeting // Community: STAR