1. DNP talk practice - Chanaka
2. Plans for Collaboration meeting
3. Other...
5) Offline production (run13) and production preparation (run 14)
1) upgrade recap:
1) Flemming on meeting with DOE/ Run-15 Schedule pushback
1. DX-D0 chamber update - Sumanta
0) Roman Pot II* status report (Wlodek)
1) council chair election/agenda
any suggestions
- physics case
- pp - one longitudinal and one transverse 500 GeV run proposed in pp, pA document
0) update on FPS upgrade
--- Editorial Board Agenda October 28, 2014 ---
1. Background in proton signal - Lukasz
STAR Collaboration meeting:
1) junior day
(feature lecture: HFT detector by Howard Wieman)
STAR Collaboration meeting:
1) junior day
(feature lecture: HFT detector by Howard Wieman)
STAR Collaboration meeting:
1) junior day
(feature lecture: HFT detector by Howard Wieman)
- physics focus: pp, pA, AA
- proposal structure
- timelines
- institution interests
- homework
- aob
STAR Collaboration meeting:
1) junior day
(feature lecture: HFT detector by Howard Wieman)
STAR Collaboration meeting:
1) junior day
(feature lecture: HFT detector by Howard Wieman)
Spokesperson's report to Council
reply to Berndt Mueller (ALD)
Draft to RBRC directors