--- Agenda ---
1) Run-14 production status
1) News
2) Documentation. Update on masking review/next items to do
3) SSD geometry
4) Tracking and Run15 Db -Hao
Insertion tooling has been completed and arrived at BNL 5/12/2017
A few pictures
Usual SeeVogh bridge
- Phone Bridge
1) run15 readiness
a) detector (Bill)
b) computing (Jerome/Gene)
c) shift sign-up (Renee/Jerome)
- EMC Trigger (Will)
- MTD Trigger bits (Rongrong)
- Diffraction trigger update (Igor)
1) production status
14.5 GeV
HFT tracking readiness
2)preparation for run15
- Machine and detector status (Bill)
This meeting is dedicated to discuss the science cases and technical details of the HFT+ proposal to STAR.
This meeting is dedicated to discuss the science cases and technical details of the HFT+ proposal to STAR.
Agenda items
1) remaining items for Run14 production
- tests for recent tracking commitments
2) status of reviews (SSD DAQ done?)
- Long Range Plan / DNP Town Meeting(s) at Temple [website]
1) production status
a) 14.5GeV
b) preparation of 200GeV production with HFT tracking
2) run15 preparation/readiness
3) proposal
--- Agenda ---
1) Run-14 production status