PWGC Meeting

2015-02-10 11:00
2015-02-10 12:30
America/New York


--- Agenda ---

1) 14.5GeV - PWG QA

2) Cu+Au preparations and PWG QA
With the 3He+Au production almost under way, S&C is preparing for the requested Cu+Au production. It was indicated by proponents of several Cu+Au analyses that have been based on an earlier production that the data quality of that production was sufficient for those particular purposes and that there was no direct need for any (re-)calibrations. Although this will limit a wider range of physics topics that could be considered.

Considering the available resources and the current top priority of Run-14 AuAu @200GeV, STAR management has agreed to push for this production within the current window of opportunity, i.e. between the end of 3He+Au and the start of Au+Au. It is important, however, that despite the limited range of physics potential, the quality of the produced data will be unambiguously established. Members of the BulkCorr have kindly agreed to provide resources to help provide this necessary QA and a check list (thanks to Gene) can be found at the following link

An ad-hoc QA panel, consisting of a convener representative of BulkCorr (Daniel McDonald), a representative of S&C (Gene van Buren), the analysis coordinator (myself), and a deputy spokesperson (Renee Fatemi) will work together with Gang Wang, Sergey Voloshin and others in BulkCorr to this effect.

4) Hot Datasets
In preparation of the upcoming 200GeV production (preparations are still in progress), we are asked to do a reprioritization of the datasets that are on disk, a.k.a. the "hot datasets". It has been a while since the PWGs have gone through this exercise (according to my records this was last done in 2012), so as a refresher I provide you with the following URLs:
 i)  a list maintained by Lidia in which a listing is shown of what we have on the distributed disks
 ii) the results from our last prioritization
     with a small adjustment documented in

4) PWGC Disk Quota Leases - a reminder
  - drupal page is (almost) up
  - first leases to Spin and HF PWG requests

5) You do not have access to view this node

6) AOB


BlueJeans information, see comments section (from a previous PWGC meeting).