PWGC Meeting

2015-02-17 11:00
2015-02-17 12:30
America/New York


--- Agenda ---

1) Run-14: Au+Au 14.5GeV - PWG QA & commom centrality definition (StRefMultCorr) work.
  Run-based QA from Daniel Brandenburg

2) Run-14: 3He+Au production finished -- PWGs are requested to share QA efforts

3) Run-12: Cu+Au preparations and PWG QA -- update on calibration validation efforts
4) PWG AFS directories: check permissions
Recently a user directory in /afs/ disappeared. Conveners are asked to make sure that future user directories have the appropriate ACL (afs permissions) settings. Conveners are also asked to make sure the user directory name reflects the user's account name. Typical recipe for creating such directories for user $X:    mkdir $X && fs sa $X $X rlidwk

5) New initiative: common reference section in PWG Drupal page.
 As discussed and endorsed by STAR management, we will set up a set of drupal pages, soon available through this drupal PWG link ( in which the Physics Analysis Coordination provides useful links to various sources of (STAR) information regarding specific physics analysis topics such as "how to do PID using {dE/dx, TOF, EMC}", "how to estimate tracking efficiency", "how to handle systematic uncertainties", or "how to get the common centrality definitions", etc.etc. The sources may rang from specific STAR web/drupal pages, PhD/MS Theses, Analysis Notes, to presentations, or even helpful hypernews postings.
 While the coordination task will be with the PAC, we will need continued input from the PWGs to make this ultimately useful to all who are or plan on getting actively involved in physics analysis.

6) Upcoming Conferences/Workshops: dates & deadlines

7) AOB


BlueJeans information, see comments section (from a previous PWGC meeting).