PWGC Meeting

2015-05-26 11:00
2015-05-26 12:30
America/New York

  --- Agenda ---

1) PWGC preview - BES Strangeness
 PAs: Muhammad Usman Ashraf, Jinhui Chen, Huan Zhong Huang, Yugang Ma, Bedanga Mohanty, Md. Nasim, Neha Shah, Yi Wang, Liwen Wen, Xiaoping Zhang, Feng Zhao, Xianglei Zhu
 Target journal: PRC
 Proposal page:

- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5') [Bingchu]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Xianglei]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’) 

2) Collaboration Meeting: speaker selection.

The Scientific Program Committee needs names for the plenary PWG report, and plenary HP/SQM reports.

3) QM'15 analyses/abstract updates

4)  AOB

BlueJeans information, see previous comment section