* Shutdown and Installation schedule for 2020 and 2021 Si and sTGC shutdown 2021 planning All
* PAC Talk Elke
1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;
3. Integration status;
4. Simulation status;
The agenda is at
Meeting Location: BlueaJeans Only
1) Organizational news
a. HF co-conveners rotation: Barbara Trzeciak (incoming), Zebo Tang (outgoing)
b. BulkCorr split into two PWGs
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
To join the Meeting
To join via Room System:
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
* Short updates from all subsystems, Si, STGC, FCS, Electronics, Slowcontrol, Integration, Trigger, Software All
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;
3. Integration status;
4. Simulation status;
The agenda is at
Meeting Location: BlueaJeans Only
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
* Short updates from all subsystems, Si, STGC, FCS, Electronics, Slowcontrol, Integration, Trigger, Software All
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;
3. Integration status;
4. Simulation status;
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
Meeting layout
Sep. 14th 11 am - 3 pm: Junior's day
Sep. 14th - 18th: PWG parallel sessions
To join the Meeting
To join via Room System:
1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;
3. Integration status;
4. Simulation status;
Meeting Location: BlueaJeans Only
Tentative agenda:
- update on QA readiness from PWG QA delegates
- update on Run-19 calibrations
- fall meeting schedule
To join the Meeting
To join via Room System:
Connection information--
1. Production status;
2. Electronics status;
3. Integration status;
4. Simulation status;
Meeting Location: BlueaJeans Only