1) Precision measurement of net-proton higher order cumulants from STAR BES-II : Ashish Pandav (11:00 - 11:30)
The objective of the meeting is to discuss the recent theoretical and experimental advancements in the physics program of the STAR Collaboration.
Dear all,
The objective of the meeting is to discuss the recent theoretical and experimental advancements in the physics program of the STAR Collaboration.
The objective of the meeting is to discuss the recent theoretical and experimental advancements in the physics program of the STAR Collaboration.
Artemiy Belousov „Current Status of ANN-based QGP Classifier“
Analysis of 6pi Production from UPC Collisions - Nate D'Alesio
Rho UPC Updates - David Tlusty
I. Vassiliev, Hypernuclei production.