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Conference talk Update on microVertexing dongx 2010-11-05 01:19
Conference talk D0 in Run9 p+p 200 GeV dongx 2010-11-05 01:17
Conference talk D0 in Run9 p+p 200 GeV dongx 2010-11-05 01:16
Conference talk NPE analysis update dongx 2010-11-05 01:16
Conference talk Update on NPE in Run9 p+p dongx 2010-11-05 01:15
Conference talk Update on e-h correlation in p+p 500 GeV dongx 2010-11-05 01:08
Conference talk Update on NPE in Run9 p+p dongx 2010-11-05 01:08
Conference talk v1 and v2 results from the Beam Energy Scan ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:58
Conference talk anti-particle to particle ratios in 39 GeV Au+Au ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:52
Conference talk pi/K/p in beam energy scan ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:50
Conference talk charge dependent transverse momentum correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV psoren 2010-11-04 13:49
Conference talk omega and anti-omega in beam energy scan ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:48
Conference talk higher harmonics vn{2}^2 and vn{4}^4 and the transfer function at 200 GeV psoren 2010-11-04 13:48
Conference talk Charge asymmetry correlation psoren 2010-11-04 13:47
Conference talk Effect of jet on event plane reconstruction psoren 2010-11-04 13:47
Conference talk Search for QCD Critical Point: Higher Moments of Net-proton Multiplicity Distributions at RHIC ruanlj STAR Protected 2010-11-04 13:46
Conference talk rho0 elliptic flow ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:45
Conference session joint session: lfspectra + heavy flavor + embedding ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:43
Conference talk vertex finder efficiency and trigger bias factor in 200 GeV run9 p+p collisions ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:39
Conference session joint session: lfspectra + heavy flavor ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:37
Conference talk dilepton analysis in 39 GeV Au+Au collisions ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:32
Conference talk dilepton analysis in 39 GeV Au+Au collisions ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:31
Conference talk Charged Particle Spectra in Beampipe Collisions (Au+Al) at 2.98 GeV Fixed Target sqrt(s) ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:30
Conference talk high pT rho0 update in 200 GeV pp and AuAu collisions ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:29
Conference talk low pT rho0 update in 200 GeV CuCu and AuAu collisions ruanlj 2010-11-04 13:29