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STAR Contribution Can STAR p+p data help constrain fragmentation functions for strange hadrons chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Two- and Three-Particle Jet Correlations from STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Elliptic flow of multi-strange baryons Xi and Omega in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s<sub>NN</sub>)=200 GeV chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Star Collaboration assessment chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Direct observation of dijets in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Scaling of Anisotropic Flow in the Picture of Quark Coalescence chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution STAR Heavy Ion Results chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Identical particle correlations in STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Spin Physics with STAR at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Open Charm Cross Section and Cronin Effect of Electrons and Identified Hadrons chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution System and energy dependence of strangeness production with STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Charm, beauty and quarkonia through electron measurements chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Some striking new STAR results chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Identified v2 and v4 in AuAu collisions chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution A heavy-flavor tracker for STAR at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Results of identified pions, kaons, (anti-)protons up to transverse momentum of 12 GeV/c from STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Star Spin Results chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Spectra of pi & p from Au+Au and Cu+Cu Collisions at 200 GeV chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Probing collision dynamics with fluctuation and correlation studies at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Performance of the STAR Endcap Calorimeter chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Hard physics from STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution A critical assessment of evidence obtained in the first three years of RHIC running for QGP formation chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Open charm production in sqrt(s) = 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Measurement of non-photonic single electron v2 at STAR chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06
STAR Contribution Local Polarimetry for Proton Beams with the STAR Beam Beam Counters chajecki 2007-10-02 01:06