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Blog entry updates on different checking of "explore the nuclei deformation with mean transverse momentum and anisotropy flow in HI" chunjian 2020-07-21 22:13
Blog entry STAR Shut Down Plan ruanlj 2020-07-21 15:21
Meeting talk AOB dongx 2020-07-21 12:36
Meeting talk Inputs for NPP-SDCC review dongx 2020-07-21 12:34
Meeting talk Discussion on scheme for storing production data dongx 2020-07-21 12:34
Book page July 21 amol 2020-07-21 10:35
Meeting BUR 23-25 subcommittee meeting geurts 1 2020-07-20 16:15
Meeting talk STAR in 2023 to 2025 jdb 2020-07-20 08:56
Meeting talk Hypernuclei lifetime measurement at 3GeV yhleung2 2020-07-20 08:50
Meeting talk Low-p_T e^+ e^- pair production in Au+Au collisions at √(s_NN ) = 54.4 GeV in centrality 80%-100% xwang1 2020-07-20 08:15
STAR Simulations Request Run 17 Au+Au 54.4 GeV HIJING simulation for pion background jdb 2020-07-20 07:29
STAR Simulations Request Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV : pentaquark (1730) to K0S + Lambda0 and K+- + Lambda jdb 2020-07-20 07:24
STAR Simulations Request Run 14 Au+Au 200 GeV Ks0, Lambda0 and Anti-Lambda jdb 2020-07-20 07:17
Blog entry lfsupc meeting xwang1 2020-07-20 06:47
Meeting talk STAR preliminary request for central exclusive production at \sqrt{s} = 510 GeV truhlar 2020-07-20 05:41
Meeting Tracking Group Meeting [Tracking/TFG/HLT] iraklic 2020-07-19 19:37
Meeting talk Update from QA Board regarding 9.2GeV FastOffline and 2019 19.6GeV Calibration Production bkimel 2020-07-19 17:16
STAR Simulations Request Run 12 p+p 200 GeV embedding of proton and anti-proton nish 2020-07-19 11:17
Blog entry Run 19 19.6 GeV BeamLine genevb 2020-07-17 15:38
Book page Subcommittee on STAR in Runs 23-25 geurts 2020-07-17 14:49
Meeting Dielectron Focus Group Meeting jdb 2020-07-17 13:26
Meeting STAR PWGC meeting marr 1 2020-07-17 13:20
Blog entry Run17 pp510 Jet QA tinglin 2020-07-17 12:53
Blog entry R correlator cross check fengyich 2020-07-17 12:47
Meeting HF PWG Meeting yiyang Heavy Flavor 2020-07-17 10:34