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Type Title Author Replies Groups Last postsort icon
STAR Publication Beam-energy dependence of identified two-particle angular correlations in Au+Au collisions at RHIC yezhenyu 2019-07-02 14:28
Blog entry GPFS load July 2019 jeromel 2019-07-02 11:46
Blog entry hexh v1 for Deuteron at PWG(20190702) hexh 2019-07-02 10:12
Blog entry Iso-Mix niseem 2019-07-01 16:08
Blog entry Slides for PWG (Intro) rsalinas 2019-07-01 12:36
Meeting talk UPC J/Psi production in 2016 AuAu wschmidk 2019-07-01 08:00
Blog entry QM2019 abstract: charm v1 v2 and diffusion coefficient from AMPT xyju 2019-06-30 21:52
Meeting talk BC15 Insight into local parton density fluctuations through baryon clustering from STAR yezhenyu 2019-06-28 09:36
Meeting talk BC11 Measurement of the charge separation along the magnetic field with Signed Balance Function and Sliding Dumbbell Method in 2 yezhenyu 2019-06-28 09:35
Meeting Discussion about QM2019 Abstract yezhenyu 2019-06-28 09:34
Blog entry Submitted QM2019 Abstracts yezhenyu 2019-06-28 09:20
STAR Simulations Request Embedding request for strange particles at 27 GeV wangmei 2019-06-27 19:50
Blog entry A Guide to Joining Star v0.2 tyfitch 2019-06-27 17:03
Blog entry ROOT for windows rsalinas 2019-06-27 16:27
Blog entry Net Lambda paper - initial draft versions nalinda 2019-06-27 15:49
Blog entry Quick ID truth Track vs Track matching jwebb 2019-06-27 14:27
Meeting talk AOB jwebb 2019-06-27 14:03
Meeting talk Sti (& short Stv) jwebb 2019-06-27 14:03
Meeting talk 32 vs 64 Bit Discussion jwebb 2019-06-27 14:03
Meeting S&C Offline Software jwebb 2019-06-27 14:01
Meeting talk LFS_UPC QA bkimel 2019-06-27 12:28
Meeting talk CME - BC9, BC10 yezhenyu 2019-06-27 08:51
Meeting talk Fluctuations - BC13, BC16 yezhenyu 2019-06-27 08:50
Meeting talk Flow measurements - BC1, BC2, BC3 yezhenyu 2019-06-27 08:50
Meeting Discussion about QM2019 Abstract yezhenyu 2019-06-27 08:48