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Blog entry event activity dependent jet pt spectra in pAu 200 GeV djs232 2018-07-18 08:22
Blog entry Lehigh Collaboration meeting nihar 2018-07-17 23:20
Blog entry Spokespersons welcome Julu 2018 caines 2018-07-17 13:27
Conference session picoDst discussion sprastar 1 2018-07-17 12:41
Blog entry 2018JulySTARcollaborationMeeting_LambdaPolarizationAt4p5GeV_Adams adams92 2018-07-17 10:54
Conference session Management-PWGC Lunch Meeting yezhenyu 1 2018-07-17 09:05
Blog entry Collaboration Meeting presentation. July 2018 bsumma 2018-07-16 16:24
Blog entry Collaboration Meeting presentation. July 2018 bsumma 2018-07-16 16:24
Conference talk J/psi in pAu collisions with MTD petrchal 2018-07-16 16:10
Blog entry Gamma+Jet and pi0+Jet in Au+Au collisions: Analysis note nihar 2018-07-16 14:44
Conference talk high pT v1 in AuAu jjiastar 2018-07-16 11:51
Book page 2018-07-18 barannik STAR Protected 2018-07-16 11:16
Conference talk Neural network approach to EP and centrality determination lisa 2018-07-16 09:22
Conference talk Update on A_L(W) analysis oleg 2018-07-16 05:22
STAR Simulations Request B mesons in Hijing + zerobian with HFT run16 petrchal 2018-07-15 23:10
STAR Simulations Request D0/aDo in Hijing + zerobian with HFT run16 petrchal 2018-07-15 23:02
STAR Simulations Request B mesons in Hijing + zerobian with HFT run14 - flat pt petrchal 2018-07-15 22:25
STAR Simulations Request D0/aDo in Hijing + zerobian with HFT run14 - flat pt petrchal 2018-07-15 21:56
Blog entry SDU group presentation iupsal STAR Protected 2018-07-15 21:49
Conference session Junior's Day sprastar 1 2018-07-15 17:54
Conference session Junior's Day : sprastar 1 2018-07-15 17:54
Blog entry Again Timing Corrections 2018 heppel 2018-07-15 00:00
Meeting talk Beam Pipe Info eca 2018-07-14 20:36
Meeting Forward Tracking jwebb 2 2018-07-14 20:34
STAR Note PSN0699 : Charge-dependent pair correlations relative to a third particle in p+Au and d+Au,collisions at RHIC jiezhao 2018-07-14 20:12