STAR 2019 Pre-QM Meeting at Qingdao
Chi Yang:
Xiaoyang Ding:
Practical information:
Bluejeans meeting for plenary sessions:
Phone Dial-in Global Numbers
Room System199.48.152.152 or
Meeting ID 159318486
08:30-10:20 session
10:20-10:40 coffee break
10:40-12:30 session
12:30-14:00 lunch break
14:00-15:50 session
15:50-16:10 coffee break
16:10-18:00 session
Tuesday (10/29): Parallel sessions
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (10/30-11/1): Plenary session
Plenary session agenda
******** Wednesday ********
1. [Overview] Zhangbu Xu STAR highlights
2. [Upgrade] Yi Yang The STAR detector upgrades for the BES II and beyond physics program
3. [BulkCorr] Niseem Magdy Beam energy and collision-system dependence of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics at RHIC energies
4. [BulkCorr] Maowu Nie Longitudinal De-correlation of Anisotropic Flow in 27 and 54 GeV Au+Au Collisions at STAR
5. [BulkCorr] Kishora Nayak Directed and elliptic flow of high-pT charged hadrons, identified hadrons and light nuclei in Au+Au collisions in STAR
6. [BulkCorr] Roy Lacey Long-range collectivity in small collision systems with two- and four-particle correlations at STAR
7. [BulkCorr] Ashish Pandav Measurement of the Cumulants of Conserved Charge Multiplicity Distributions in Au+Au Collisions from the STAR experiment
8. [BulkCorr] Subhash Singh Measurement of global spin alignment of K∗0 and K∗± vector mesons using the STAR detector at RHIC
******** Thursday ********
1. [BulkCorr] Joey Adams Differential measurements of Λ polarization inAu+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 54 GeV and asearch for the magnetic field at sqrt(sNN) = 27 GeV
2. [BulkCorr] Jie Zhao Search for CME in U+U and Au+Au collisions in STAR with different approaches of handling backgrounds
3. [BulkCorr] Yufu Lin Measurement of the charge separation along the magnetic field with Signed Balance Function in 200 GeV Au + Au collisions at STAR
4. [HF] Yanfang Liu Recent Measurements of Heavy Quarkonium Production in p+A and p+p Collisions at STAR
5. [HF] Matthew Kelsey Nuclear modification factors, directed and elliptic flow of electrons from open heavy flavor decays in Au+Au collisions from STAR
6. [LFSUPC] Daniel Brandenberg Measurements of the γγ → e+e−process and its angular correlations in UPC and peripheral Au+Au collisions with the STAR Detector
7. [LFSUPC] Muhammad Usman Strangeness production in sqrt(sNN) = 54.4, 27 GeV and fixed-target program at STAR
8. [LFSUPC] Florian Seck Measurements of dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 27, 54 and 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
******** Friday morning ********
1. [LFSUPC] Dingwei Zhang Light Nuclei (d, t) Production in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN) =7.7-200 GeV from the STAR experiment
2. [JetCorr] Saehanseul Oh Jet shapes and fragmentation functions in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV in STAR
3. [JetCorr] David Stewart Correlation measurements of charged particles and jets at mid-rapidity with event activity at forward-rapidity in sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV p+Au collisions at STAR
4. [JetCorr] Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Constraining parton energy loss via angular and momentum based differential jet measurements in Au+Au collisions at STAR
******** Friday afternoon ********
5. [Overview] Zhangbu Xu STAR highlights
6. TBD: 2nd rehearsal
7. TBD: 2nd rehearsal
8. TBD: 2nd rehearsal