Tamis Hard Probes PWG Update 7/7/23


STAR IFF Presentations:

Here is the collections of slides(Run17 IFF study(pion pairs)) that I presented in the STAR Spin PWG:

Vertex resolution and space charge distribution on different runs

Speaker : Tommy

Talk time : 16:00, Duration : 00:20

 https://www.star.bnl.gov/~ctsang/Alignment/DepositedCharge/summarydE.html for space charge

Update: Unlike charge kaon and pion femtoscopy (checking track merging effect)


Baryon stopping meeting 7/6


electron contamination removal

HFE at 54.4 GeV status, 6th July, 2023

Embedding Updates

Speaker : Xianglei Zhu ( Tsinghua Univ. )

Talk time : 11:20, Duration : 00:20


Production Updates

Speaker : Gene Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:20
  • HPSS :
    • Nothing of note
  • Libraries

Study of directed flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV (FXT)


Study of directed flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV (FXT)


preliminary for CME study with forced matching in isobar collisions


Electron and positron in 19.6GeV (P23id)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Descriptiontrgsetupname: production_19GeV_2019,production=P23id,library=SL23d,filetype=daq_reco_picodst,storage!=hpss

Request Description: Run19 Au+Au 19.6 GeV (P23id, production_19GeV_2019)
Particle: electron & positron
10M events (~2% Uncertainty)
Trigger (minbias, 6400{01,11,21,31,41,51})
5%*refmult particles embedded in each event
Flat in rapidity: [-1.7,1.7]; Flat in pT: [0.0:0.22] GeV/c
General Information
Request ID20232701
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
StatusLarger (or full) sample done, producing PWG QA [6/7]
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s)yh66@rice.edu, leung@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)star-lfsupc-l@lists.bnl.gov
Assigned Deputy: hexh
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events10000000 = 10 M
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

di-hadron correlation in OO


Run23 Trigger Board

2023-08-07 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 7 August 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Run23 Trigger Board

2023-08-14 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 14 August 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Run23 Trigger Board

2023-08-21 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 21 August 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Run23 Trigger Board

2023-08-28 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 28 August 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Run23 Trigger Board

2023-09-04 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 4 September 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Run23 Trigger Board

2023-09-11 13:00
America/New York
Monday, 11 September 2023
, at 17:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00