Preliminary results for AuAu Run16 UPC JPsi

AuAu UPC Jpsi Run 2016
contact: W. Schmidke & Kong Tu

Run 17 diffractive EM jet A_N preliminary request

 Title: Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry for Diffractive Electromagnetic Jets at FMS in p+p Collisions at \sqrt{s} &

mass fitting Pol3


compare corrected angular distribution


Explain background differences


mass fitting Exp


Run XXI OO dE/dx calibration


P10ik 62.4GeV QA



Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:10

Production Team questions:

  1. Continue with BES-I conversion productions? (nothing else to process currently)

Embedding update

Speaker : Xianglei Zhu

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


Run21 OO calibration update (dE/dx, BTOF etc.)

Speaker : Yuri Fisyak, Chenliang etc.

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10


Reply to Purdue


diff version


paper draft 6.3


Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2023-03-14 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 14 March 2023, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2023-02-28 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 28 February 2023, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Baryon stopping charge stopping preliminary figures request


SQM 2022 preliminary

 most of the plots have been shown in QM 2022, except hypernuclei to light nuclei ratio vs rapidity

UPC triggers Run23

Speaker : Bill Schmidke

Talk time : 13:40, Duration : 00:20


Speaker : Akio

Talk time : 12:59, Duration : 00:01