pp correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at FXT energies

Update on the d-Lambda correlation measurement at 3 GeV

Azimuthally sensitive proton-proton femtoscopy at STAR - measurement perspectives


Speaker : Jedrzej Kolas and Daniel Wielanek

Talk time : 14:40, Duration : 00:20

H3L->dppi production in FXT Run20 3.9 GeV dataset

Production of Light Nuclei in Au+Au Collisions at 19.6 GeV


Thermal dielectron analysis at Run19 19.6GeV

Rapidity Dependence of Charged Hadron Production in BES-II


Charged hadron production in Au+Au collisions at 3 GeV

Update on the Mean pT fluctuations at 3 GeV

Update on Lambda Fluctuation Analysis at s_{NN}= 3.0 GeV

Coffee Break

Status Update on Analysis of Proton Fluctuations in the Fixed-Target Program

Update on BES-II fluctuation measurements

v2 and v3 of identified particles in BES-I and BES-II

Pi,K,p directed flow in BES-II

Anisotropic flow measurement in BES-II

Measurements of the Upsilon Production in Isobaric Collisions at 200 GeV (remote)



Speaker : Gaohan Yang

Talk time : 15:00, Duration : 00:20