SMD High Voltage Operation

Version 1.10 -- 04/25/06, O.D.Tsai


The SMD detectors are a set of 120 proportional wire chambers located inside the EMC modules (one per module). The operating gas is Ar/CO2(90/10). The nominal operating voltage is +1430 V. As for any other gaseous detector, manipulation with high voltage should be performed with great care.


  • Jan.

Meetings, meeting sessions and Reviews


Starting May 2020 after the S&C re-organization under the new STAR management, the S&C management team has weekly meeting on Wednesday between 12:00 to 13:00.

General information


Fourth Iteration

Data gathered from Runs 8091003, 8091005, 8091007.  Same analysis codes as in Third Iteration

Third Iteration

Data gathered from runs 8090021, 8090022, 8090023.  The only change I made to the code was to tweak the parameters of the pedestal fit a little bit, since I noticed a couple of towers where it fa

Second Iteration

Same procedure as  First Iteration.  Took 600k events in runs 8089017, 8089019, 8089021.  This time the processing went smoothly and I was able to analyze ~all the events that were taken.&n

Troubleshooting gsiftp at STAR-BNL

An overview of STAR troubleshooting with the official involvement of the OSG Troubleshooting Team in late 2006 and early 2007 history can be found here:

Articles and publications



Opened discussion

Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 18:40, Duration : 00:20

STAR EventDisplay - Status report

Speaker : V. Fine ( BNL )

Talk time : 18:20, Duration : 00:20

Goals, Requirements & feedback

Speaker : J. Lauret ( BNL )

Talk time : 18:00, Duration : 00:20

Event Display activity - pre-review

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Email were sent to all software sub-system coordinators asking for volunteers. Feedback were gathered prior (in 2006). Initial was to set a review process by the STAR analysis meeting. What was call for is an informal meeting to gather further requirements and feedback based on an overview presentation of what already exists. The idea was to leave the formal review process for the next STAR Collaboration Meeting and give the project a good opportunity for one more wave of feedback so consolidation and convergence could be achieved by "then". The below attendees answered and volunteered to be on an informal pannel discussion. Past requirements + presentation from Valeri promised.

Attendees: Helen Caines, Thomas Ullrich, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, Richard Witt, Victor Perevoztchikov, Maxim Potekhin

18:00Goals, Requirements & feedback ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJ. Lauret (BNL)
18:20STAR EventDisplay - Status report ( 00:20 ) 1 fileV. Fine (BNL)
18:40Opened discussion ( 00:20 ) 0 filesAll (All)

Batch system, resource management system


Improved event mixing technique for femtoscopy

Speaker : Adam Kisiel ( Ohio State University )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:20

Draft of Plenary Talks

Speaker : Steve, Jan and Nikola

Talk time : 16:50, Duration : 01:00

Electron Analysis

Speaker : Priscilla Kurnadi ( UCLA )

Talk time : 16:10, Duration : 00:30

2006 Jet analysis

Speaker : Dave Staszak ( UCLA )

Talk time : 15:30, Duration : 00:30

Update on pion-proton femtoscopy

Speaker : Marcin Zawisza ( Warsaw University of Technology )

Talk time : 17:00, Duration : 00:20

e-K correlations

Speaker : Lijuan Ruan

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:30