table writing macros rhicfCrossTalk and error message

 int write_rhicfCrossTalk()


H6L -> He6 + pi- for Run18 Au+Au 3GeV (FXT)

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
DescriptionData set: Run18 Au+Au at 3.85GeV FXT, with P19ie.SL20d

Particles: H6L (5.80GeV) -> He6 (5.60554GeV) + pi-
(Assume lifetime = lambda lifetime = 263ps)

Number of events: 200k

Trigger: 620052

Vertex selection: 198cm < Vz < 202cm, Vr < 2cm

Bad runs: From official bad run list

Flat in rapidity :  [-2, 0] Flat in Pt : [0.5, 6] GeV Flat in phi : [0, 2pi]

5% refmult particles embedded

General Information
Request ID20224701
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgNormal
Physics Working GroupLFS-UPC
Requested byyhleung2
Contact email(s)
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events200000 = 200 K
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision Type---- SELECT COLLISION TYPE ----
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Production---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Library---- SELECT STAR LIBRARY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Set 
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

Preliminary Request Proton Clustering Raw/Mix Standard Deviations


Preliminary for Proton Clustering Raw/Mix SDs


reply v2


paper draft v5.1


RHICf software update

Speaker : Seunghwan Lee

Talk time : 12:15, Duration : 00:15


Directed flow of light nuclei in fixed target energies





11/22 New low pT electron embedding vs real data


11/22 New low pT electron embedding vs real data


New Electron embedding vs Real Data


PWGC Preview Answers to Comments/Questions

Production priority discussion

Speaker : Rongrong Ma and All

Talk time : 12:45, Duration : 00:15



Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 00:10


Calibration update (dE/dx, eTOF etc)

Speaker : Yuri Fisyak, Yannick Soehngen etc

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:15


Embedding update

Speaker : Xianglei Zhu

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:15



Speaker : Alexey Povarov

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Updates on dielectron raw signal results at very low pT

Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20

HP-pwg abstracts for HP2023 and DIS2023

Accepted HP2023 abstracts after merging 
