



Submission to PLB : pp200GeV fluctuation paper




pp200long_2015 QA updated

 This is an updated version of pp200 QA with checks for Vz-VzVPD cuts

Run24 offline QA discussion at HP PWG

 This is a pre discussion regarding the QA variables and different quality cuts in HP PWG

nσe asymmetric at AuAu14.6GeV


Centrality Dependence and Energy Dependence of Baryon-Strangeness Correlations from 7.7-62.4 GeV


psi(2S) analysis pwgc 2


psi(2S) analysis pwgc


Paper Proposal: Run17 pp510 Collins Analysis (slides)


TPC QA 2024

Goals and to do

Aim is to make QA more automatic at the FF and bad pad level.

EPD FEE temperatures pre-run 2024


Update of SHE study-20240417




Selection of production version of production_4p59GeV_fixedTarget_2019 with respect to light nuclei flow analysis


Proton Purity Results at FXT Energies - Part 3



Comments LFSUPC


Centrality determination for 4.5 GeV