3p9GeV ks0 lambda PWG


pion kaon and proton v1 and v2 in Au + Au collision at 3.9 GeV


List of problematic BTOF trays

List of bad BTOF trays

status as of Oct.'22: 10 bad trays plus one tray (102) with HV issues




Talk time : 12:35, Duration : 00:10


Calibration updates

Speaker : All

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:15

  Message from Yannick:

pi+, pi-, K+, K-, p+, p- pAu Run15 additional embedding request 1M events each

Request TypeStandard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Description System: p+Au

Energy: 200 GeV
Year: 2015
Particles: pi+, pi-, K+, K-, proton, anti-proton

Number of events1M each particle


Data and triggers:
Runs: 16125033 - 16159024 (production_pAu200_2015)
Bad runlist: list
Particle per event: 1VzTpc-VzVpd: (-6,6) cm, if VzVpd is saved in *.tags.root files.

Phi: (0, 6.29) in radian flat
Eta: (-1, 1) flat
pT: (0, 5) GeV flat

stream specific:
st_physics stream
   Real datast_physics, production_pAu200_2015,

   Triggers VPDMB-novtx (500004)
   Production chain: P16id
   Library: SL16d
   VzTpc:  (-10,10) cm


General Information
Request ID20224301
Priority: EC0
Priority: pwgHigh
StatusLarger (or full) sample done, producing PWG QA [6/7]
Physics Working GroupHard Probes
Requested byNihar and David Stewart
Contact email(s)nihar@rcf.rhic.bnl.gov, 0ds.johnny@gmail.com
Contact phone(s)
PWG email(s)star-hp-l@lists.bnl.gov
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned
Global Simulation Settings
Request type:Standard Embedding request (particle in real events)
Number of events1000000 = 1000 K
Magnetic Field---- SELECT MAGFIELD ----
Collision TypepAu 200GeV
Centrality---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags
Geometry: simu---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Geometry: reco---- SELECT GEOMETRY ----
Vertex option---- SELECT VERTEX OPTION ----
Pileup optionNo
Detector Setnbsp;
Data Sources
Real Data
File lookup 
Single Particle MC
Particle settingsdalitz
Particles per event1
Vertex Z, cm-30 < Vertex < 30
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z (cm), if applicable0, 0, 0
Vertex offset: x, mm0
Vertex offset: y, mm0
Φ (phi), radian0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta)-0.5 < η < 0.5
Pt, GeV0 < Pt < 30

Update on RHICf library status

Speaker : Minho Kim

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


Luminosity check 3.9 (7.3) GeV FXT 2019


Updates on dielectron raw signal results at very low pT

Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20


Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2022-11-01 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1614823129?pwd=TEdjV0FBY0tRTG02bkp4dzR5RWYzdz09, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Dielectron Focus Group Meeting

2022-10-25 10:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1614823129?pwd=TEdjV0FBY0tRTG02bkp4dzR5RWYzdz09, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:00Updates on dielectron raw signal results at very low pT ( 00:20 ) 1 fileKaifeng Shen

Preliminary request for Modifications to Blast Wave at 3 GeV

Speaker : Rutik Manikandhan

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:20


Strange hadron production in d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV using the STAR detector

Speaker : Ishu Aggarwal

Talk time : 09:20, Duration : 00:20


PRELIMINARY FIGURES REQUEST: π, K, p spectra analysis in Au+Au collisions at 54.4 GeV

Speaker : Arushi Dhamija

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20


DNP 2022 - sTGC slides

TPC online and offline clusters (Update)


FCS ECal pi0 reconstruction

Speaker : Xilin Liang

Talk time : 08:20, Duration : 00:20


Forward Alignment Update

Speaker : Gavin Wilks

Talk time : 08:00, Duration : 00:20


Relative Significance Figure for DNP