Simulation updates (geometry, production)

Speaker : Maxim Potekhin ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10

SVT self alignement progress

Speaker : Christine Nattrass ( Yale )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10

2 peaks on p/E

Talk time : 13:50, Duration : 00:10

Searching for more information about the issue raised last week, with colaboration of the EMC team, a special analysis was created, leading to the conclusion that the peak on p/E~0.5 IS NOT due to a major calibration problem.

p/E vs. eta and phi

Talk time : 13:30, Duration : 00:10

Update on analysis of 62GeV data

Speaker : A.Knospe ( Yale )

Talk time : 13:20, Duration : 00:10

Update on 62GeV electrons

still some problems to solve

Inclusive e-/e+ ratio as function of eta,phi for 5% central

Speaker : Jaro B ( Yale/BNL )

Talk time : 13:10, Duration : 00:10

Inclusive e-/e+ ratio as function of eta,phi

p/E in eta and phi

Speaker : Johan ( UCLA/LBL )

Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 00:10

I had a look at the p/E vs eta and phi distribution for J/psi triggered events in ppProduction. I found that the p/E distribution still exhibits a funny peak around 0.5 for tracks with negative eta. Those with positive eta show an even larger peak.

Quantifying the normalization problem in pion-kaon correlations


Speaker : Adam Kisiel ( Warsaw University of Technology )

Talk time : 18:25, Duration : 00:10

Xi* results comparison with strangeness group


Talk time : 18:10, Duration : 00:15

Anti-electron cuts in K-pi correlation analysis


Talk time : 18:00, Duration : 00:10

Coulomb in pion-pion and kaon-kaon correlations


Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 17:50, Duration : 00:10

Coulomb in pion-pion and kaon-kaon correlations

PiP correlations with StHbtMultMeanPtAnalysis


Talk time : 17:40, Duration : 00:10

baseline problem - update


Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:10

Investigation of the origin of baseline problem - current status

J/psi L2 trigger

Talk time : 14:10, Duration : 00:10

Electron paper discussion

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:10

Field Issues

This is meant to be a central location for finding reconstruction-related items which have some field dependences.

AuAu200 (2005)

Electron paper discussion

Speaker : Alex Suaide

Talk time : 17:00, Duration : 00:10

GridLeak Simulations

Nikolai Smirnov & Alexei Lebedev:
Data for STAR TPC supersector.   05.05.2005  07.11.2005
Jon Wirth, who build all sectors provide these data.

Gated Grid Wires: 0.075mm Be Cu, Au plated, spacing 1mm
Outer Sector 689 wires, Inner Sector 681 wires. Total 1370 wires per sector

Cathode Grid Wires: 0.075mm Be Cu, Au plated, spacing 1mm
Outer Sector 689 wires, Inner Sector 681 wires. Total 1370 wires per sector

Anode Grid Wires:0.020mm W, Au plated, spacing 4mm
Outer Sector 170 wires, Inner Sector 168 wires. Total 338 wires per sector
Last Anode Wires: 0.125mm Be Cu, Au plated
Outer Sector 2 wires, Inner Sector 2 wires. Total 4 wires per sector

We are most interested in the gap between Inner and Outer sector, where ion leak is important for space charge. On fig. 1 wires set is shown. The distance between inner and outer gating grid is 16.00 mm. When Grid Gate is closed, the border wires in Inner and Outer sectors have -40V, each next wire have -190V and after this pattern preserved in whole sector - see fig. 2. When gating grid is open, each wire in gating grid have the same potential -115V. Above grid plane we have a drift volume with E~134V/cm to move electrons from tracks to sectors and repulse ions to central membrane. Cathode plane has zero voltage, while anode wires for outer sector holds +1390V and for inner sector +1170V.

Fig. 1. Wire structure between Inner and Outer sector.

Fig.2 Voltages applied to Gating Grid with grid closed.

Another configurations of voltages on gating grid wires are presented on fig.3. All these voltages are possible by changing wire connections in gating grid driver. Garfield simulations should be performed for all to find a minimum ion leak.

Fig.3 Different voltages on closed gating grid (top: inverted, bottom: mixed).

This is a key for Nikolai's files: there are 4 sets of files in each set there is simulation for Gating Grid voltages on last wires. Additionally he artificially put a ground shield on the level of cathode plane and simulated collection for last-thick anode wire and also ground shield and last thin anode wire.

Setups: Standard Inverted Mixed Ground Strip Ground Strip
and Wire
Equipotentials PS





Electron paths PS





Ion paths
(inner sector)





Ion paths
(outer sector)





Effects of PID cuts on K-pi correlations


Speaker : Mikhail Kopytine ( Kent State University )

Talk time : 17:30, Duration : 00:10

Mikhail Kopytine

Mikhail Kopytine