pi0s (photons) analysis issues

Speaker : Jason C. Webb

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:20


Triggers for the next run


Speaker : Pibero Djawotho

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20

Status tables (BTOW, SMD, ENDCAP)

EMC calibrations (BTOW, SMD, PSD, ENDCAP)

Speaker : Adam Kocoloski / Jan?

Talk time : 09:20, Duration : 00:20

Overview, hardware issues, PSD commissioning, SVT, etc

Globus 1.1.x


QuickStart.pdf is for Globus version 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 .



This page will add documents / documentation links and help for Grid beginners or experts. Those documents are either created by us or gathered from the internet.

Joint Spin/Heavy Flavor/High pt/EMC

09:00Overview, hardware issues, PSD commissioning, SVT, etc ( 00:20 ) 1 fileWill Jacobs
09:20EMC calibrations (BTOW, SMD, PSD, ENDCAP) ( 00:20 ) 2 filesAdam Kocoloski / Jan?
09:40Status tables (BTOW, SMD, ENDCAP) ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDavid Relyea
10:00Backgrounds ( 00:20 ) 1 filePibero Djawotho
10:30BREAK ( 00:30 ) 0 files
11:00pi0s (photons) analysis issues ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJason C. Webb
11:20electron id in the endcap ( 00:20 ) 1 fileWei Ming Zhang
11:40Triggers for the next run ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJan Balewski
12:00Readiness, status and tasks ( 00:20 ) 1 fileAlex Suaide

Lambda-lambda correlations


Speaker : Hania Gos ( Warsaw University of Technology, SUBATECH )

Talk time : 17:30, Duration : 00:10

Discussion of joint STAR/PHENIX meeting

Speaker : All

Talk time : 13:45, Duration : 00:10

We are going to have a joint STAR/PHENIX meeting on Thursday Dec 8 from 9am to 3pm.
We need to plan the agenda, our speakers and probably come up with a list of questions we want to learn from PHENIX

AuAu 62 embedding QA

Speaker : Jaro Bielcik ( Yale )

Talk time : 13:20, Duration : 00:15

I have checked new test files from Eric for 62GeV data. There is still problem with pi0 I believe.

Draft of agenda for Analysis Meeting and e-fest

Speaker : Thomas Ullrich ( BNL )

Talk time : 13:35, Duration : 00:10

This is a draft of the Analysis Meeting & e-fest agenda
meant for discussion.

J/psi Efficiency Studies

Speaker : Johan Gonzalez

Talk time : 13:10, Duration : 00:10

Preliminary J/Psi efficiency studies.

SVT Self-Alignment


Using tracks fit with SVT points plus a primary vertex alone, we can self-align the SVT using residuals to the fits. This document explains how this can be done, but only works for the situation in which the SVT is already rather well aligned, and only small scale alignment calibration remains.

SVT Calibrations

news on electron spectra at 200 GeV

Speaker : Alex

Talk time : 13:00, Duration : 00:10
Please look at



http://stars.if.usp.br:8080/~suaide/electron/data/final/index.html (it says final data but I am still working on systematical errors)

Beam background study with straight tracks


Speaker : Pibero Djawotho ( IUCF )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:15

Software & Computing
