
Quick (?) start guide for visitors with laptops

So you brought a laptop to BNL… and the first thing you want to do is get online, right?
Ok, here's a quick (?) guide to getting what you want without breaking too many rules.

Wired Options:


STAR's publicly available printers are listed below. 

FAQS and Tips that don't fit well elsewhere

Software Site Licenses:

Do we have a site license for software package XYZ?

The answer is (almost) always: No!
Neither STAR nor BNL have site licences for any Microsoft product, Hummingbird Exceed, WinZIP,'s software or much of anything intended to run on individual users' desktops. Furthermore, for most purposes BNL-owned computers do not qualify for academic software licenses, though exceptions do exist.

Performance and Security enhancement


Utilities for Security and Performance

If your computer seems to be running slower than it used to, pop-up advertising is appearing at an alarming rat

Office applications and productivity software

Productivity software and viewers/utilities for various file types

  • OpenOffice -- Free and available on multiple platforms.  Perhaps the single best reason to use it is that it natively creates PDF format.  In addition to its own formats, it can read (and write) MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint files (usually -- sometimes formatting details go haywire, but they are constantly updating it.)

Cygwin installation and tips

To quote from the Cygwin website:  "Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows."

Networking Software


  • PuTTY:
     This is the preferred SSH client for Windows.  It is free, easy to use
    and well maintained for both security and bug issues.
     (As with everything, it is only "maintained" if you regularly check
    for updated versions!)
     Please note that most other SSH clients for Windows are NOT free for
    use on government computers or in the pursuit of lab business, though
    they might function just fine without payment.

Required software and configuration for Windows PCs at BNL


BNL-specific requirements and configuration for networked Windows computers:


This area is intended to provide information for STAR members to assist in configuring and using typical desktop/laptop PCs at BNL.

  Windows 2000/XP and Scientific Linux/Redhat Enterprise Linux are the preferred Operating Systems within STAR at BNL for desktop computing, though there is no formal requirement to use any particular OS.

Computing Environment


Job Tracker progress

Speaker : Dmitry Arkhipkin ( JINR )

Talk time : 19:10, Duration : 00:10

1. Job Tracker database. New version of db structure proposed for
discussion. It allows flexible handling of job parameters and allows
to start GUI development. However, minimal list of parameters is still
not finalized (not  a show-stopper, imho). I'm open to discussion,
nothing is fixed yet.
1.1 I'll keep php-based XML-RPC server for a GUI development phase, we
do not have a working GT4 setup anyway.

2. Job Tracker API draft submitted for comments. It is made with
future WS compatibility in mind. I've studied GT4-WS docs on their

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Here is the agenda for today's meeting, W21/05

  • Infrastruture remaining problems (All)
  • Questions, progress, experinece in Grid-learning (Wayne)
  • Simulation on Grid - new tests, status and updates (Lidia)
  • Scheduler resource reshape explained ILevente)
    Other scheduler opened issues (file copy, srm testing)
  • Tracker design progress (Dmitry)
19:10Job Tracker progress ( 00:10 ) 0 filesDmitry Arkhipkin (JINR)

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
  • Status of Grid job running (moved to stargrid03) Lidia
  • Infrastructure and OSG meeting reports Eric/ Iwona
  • Logger progresses Valeri
  • Comments on Dmitry db layer

Time and place as usual, 3-4 PM, 1-185 at 2261.

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Usual topics, including preparations for SC05...

Attendee: Wayne, Leve, Jerome, Doug, Eric

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Grid Meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00